Rose Winter Lodge
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Main color: White
Color: White
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Large
Flower: Very full, cupped quartered rosette, in small clusters
Foliage: Medium green, large, glossy, leathery
Aroma: Strong, sweet with honey notes
Class: Shrub rose
Sub-class: Modern shrub rose
Type: Small shrub
Growth type: Upright, bushy
Height: 80 -100 cm / 2' 7" - 3' 3"
Width: 60 – 80 cm / 1' 12" - 2' 7"
Exquisite modern shrub rose is another masterpiece of modern shrub roses. Pure white with complex Old Rose styled flower shape, powered with strong, sweet fragrance with notes of honey have modern, very healthy foliage. Forms very attractive small, very balanced plant. Probably one of the best white nostalgic shrubs ever.
Has recurrent flowering, blooms abundantly in flushes throughout the season, starting from late spring or early summer, and until the frosts.
Flower bud:
The variety ‘Winter Lodge’ has large, rounded flower buds with pointed top. When the sepals start to divide the bud colour is white-green, occasionally tinted with medium purple red. When half open the bud colour is cream white closer to the base and white green closer to the tip with occasional red pink on the edges of some petals. The flower buds appear on a plant in small clusters, of 3 to 17 buds together, having umbrella-like shape.
The colour of the sepals on the underside surface is medium green and the surface is smooth and shiny; the upper surface has medium green colour and the surface is very pubescent. The sepals are large and broad. They have weak foliaceous appendages on 3 of the 5 sepals.
The flowers are large, when fully open the average flower diameter is about 8 - 10 cm (3.5 - 4 inches) and of a very full flower type. The flower shape has reminiscence of Old Roses with its cupped quartered rosette shape.
Upon opening, the outermost petals on the outer side are white with greenish intonations on the outer sides and cream shade on the basal part of the petals; on the inner side the colour is white with cream shade on the basal part of the petals. Closer to the center of the flowers the flower has cream white colour with darker cream colour closer to the basal zone.
After opening, the outermost petals on the outer side are white, sometimes with red pink intonations on the outer side of the petals. The innermost petals are white on the outer and on the inner surface.
The general tonality of the open flowers is white. By the end of the 4th day no discoloration is observed. Sometimes, especially in colder weather there is observed light rep pink pigmentation on the reverse side of the most outer petals. No variegation is observed on the flowers.
The flowers have relatively long lustiness on the plant - 8 to 12 days under normal growing conditions. As a cut flower they last about 7-10 days. Senesced petals dry and hang on the plant, therefore deadheading is required for this variety.
The fragrance of ‘Winter Lodge’ is strong, sweet, with honey character.
Reproductive parts:
This rose is classified as Rosa hybrida belonging to a Modern shrub roses class. The rose variety has moderately vigorous growth habit. Forms upright, bushy and slightly outwardly plant with dense foliage. The mature and well established plant has a height of about 80 – 100 cm and the width of about 60 – 80 cm.
The foliage is profuse and very decorative. The colour of the foliage is medium green, has smooth, lathery and glossy texture.
Disease resistance:
The variety ‘Winter Lodge’ has very good resistance to all main roses diseases. Also the resistance to heat is very high. Has good resistance to rain, even though the flowers are very full, however due to the colours of its flowers after the rain small imperfections on the flowers becomes quite visible.
Recommended for growing in a garden in climates zones USDA 6 and warmer.
Name origin
Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.
Information about the parantage of this rose is not available or commecrically protected.
Climate zones
USDA zone 6 and warmer
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Black spots:
Rain resistance:
Cold hardy:
Heat resistance:
Published Dec. 16, 2023, 3:29 p.m. by Yuri Osadchyi