Rose The Wife of Bath



Other names: Wife of Bath

Registration code: Ausbath
Breeder: David Austin
Year of introduction: 1969
Introduced by: David Austin Roses Limited (UK)

Main color: Pink
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Medium
Type: Medium shrub
Aroma: Strong, sweet, Myrrh
90 - 120 cm, 80 - 90 cm

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Main color: Pink

Color: Deep pink fading to pale pink on edges

Flowering: Repeat flowering

Flower size: Medium

Flower: Full , cupped , in small clusters

Foliage: Medium green , medium , semi-glossy , leathery

Aroma: Strong, sweet, Myrrh

Class: Shrub rose

Sub-class: English rose, Shrub rose

Type: Medium shrub

Growth type: Bushy, compact

Height: 90 - 120 cm

Width: 80 - 90 cm


‘Wife of Bath’ is one of the earliest and most beloved English Roses created by David Austin, introduced in 1969. Whether planted at the front of a border or as part of a small garden, this rose’s charm lies in its toughness, delicate beauty, and intoxicating fragrance, making it a timeless favorite among English Roses.

It forms a compact, bushy shrub with a height of 90 - 120 cm (3-4 feet) and of a width of about 80 - 90 cm (2.5-3 feet), making it ideal for borders, hedges, or any gardens. Forms compact, bushy and twiggy plants. Its sturdy constitution and repeat flowering make it a reliable and enduring choice.

The flowers are medium-sized about 7 cm in diameter (2.8 inches), cupped shaped, appear in small clusters, in groups of 3 - 9 blooms. They unfold from red buds, opening to a warm pink at the center with a pale blush on the outer petals, creating a lovely contrast. The blooms have an informal, natural elegance with a glimpse of golden stamens at their heart. The fragrance is strong, sweet with a prominent Myrrh character elevating this rose, making it an unforgettable addition to any garden. The rose variety ‘Wife of Bath’ has a long blooming season, repeating well into late autumn.

This rose’s foliage is mid-green, with new growth showcasing chestnut shades and distinctive red prickles. It thrives in most climates but may require some care to prevent dieback or mildew in damp conditions. Despite these tendencies, it has proven to be extremely tough and resilient, able to recover even after neglect.

Name origin

Named after the lively character in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, this rose reflects its namesake’s resilience and charm. The Wife of Bath's Tale provides insight into the role of women in the Late Middle Ages and was probably of interest to Chaucer, himself, for the character is one of his most developed ones, with her Prologue twice as long as her Tale.

Rose Series

English Shrub Roses


As of the date no infarmation available on the awards this rose has recieved. It is also possible that this rose has not gained any awards yet.


‘Wife of Bath’ is a true testament to the early brilliance of David Austin’s breeding program, combining reliability, charm, and old-rose beauty. Rose variety ‘Ausbath’ / 'Wife of Bath' originated by David Austin by crossing a Climbing rose ‘Mme. Caroline Testout’ with the unnamed, unpatented seedling, which was a cross between a seed parent, a Floribunda rose ‘Ma Perkins’ with the pollen parent English rose ‘Constance Spry’.

Therefore the parentage of this rose can be expressed with the following formula:

‘Mme. Caroline Testout’ x [‘Ma Perkins’ x ‘Constance Spry’]

Climate zones


Growing tips

roses for full sun areas Sun position: Grows well on full sun.
soil reuirements Preference in type of soils: Grows well on all types of soils.
rose prunning tips Prunning: Requires deadheading after the flowering.


Black spots:




Rain resistance:

Cold hardy:

Heat resistance:

Published Dec. 29, 2024, 8:08 p.m. by Yuri Osadchyi

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