Rose The Charlatan

Tags: healthy



Registration code: Meiguimov
Breeder: Alain Meilland
Year of introduction: 2006
Introduced by: Meilland International

Main color: Pink
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Medium
Aroma: Light, sweet
90 - 120 cm / 2' 11" - 3' 11"
60 - 90 cm / 1' 12" - 2' 11"

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Main color: Pink

Color: Light pink

Flowering: Repeat flowering

Flower size: Medium

Flower: Single, flat, in small clusters

Foliage: Dark green, large, glossy, leathery

Aroma: Light, sweet

Class: Floribunda rose

Sub-class: Floribunda rose

Type: Floribunda rose

Growth type: Bushy, upright

Height: 90 - 120 cm / 2' 11" - 3' 11"

Width: 60 - 90 cm / 1' 12" - 2' 11"


The elegance of the ‘Astronomia’ rose reveals itself through its delicate, pale-pink petals. At the heart of each blossom, a profusion of golden stamens bursts forth. This rose is truly exceptional, and it can thrive as either a substantial shrub or a graceful climber. Cultivating ‘Astronomia’ promises a season-long display of continuous blooms, a delightful reward for any gardener.

Description: The chart used in the identification of the colors is that of The Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S. Colour Chart).


Blooming habit:
The rose variety ‘Astronomia’ has very profuse, repeating flowering. Starts to bloom early, abundantly and nearly continuously.

The flower bud:
The flower buds have conical shape. The are relatively small, with length of approximately 1.6 cm on average and with the width of approximately 0.9 cm on average at the widest point. The color of the flower buds on the upper surface is medium blue pink (Group 54C) suffused with medium purple red (Group 54B) as the calyx breaks. On the under surface the color is medium blue pink (Group 54C) and amply suffused with light blue pink(Group 54D) as the calyx breaks. The basal spot has light yellow green color (Group 154D) on both surfaces as the calyx breaks.

The flower buds appear on a plant in small clusters, commonly 3 to 20 blossoms per stem.

The peduncle has a glandular, pubescent surface, the color is dark brown green (Group 146B). The length of the peduncle is about 6 cm in length, of sufficient strength to well sustain the flower and approximately 2 cm in diameter.

The sepals on the upper surface are smooth and have medium brown green color (Group 146D) while the under surface is tomentose and has light green color (Group 144B). The sepals are approximately 1.8 cm in length on average, and approximately 0.6 cm in width on average at the widest point.

The flowers of ‘Astronomia’ are medium sized, about 5.4 cm on average, they are single and flat in shape. The color upon opening on the upper surface is light blue pink (Group 56D) and more or less suffused with darker light blue pink (Group 56B and 56C), and sometimes margined with medium purple red (Group 54B); on the under surface the color is light blue pink (Group 56D) and more or less suffused with darker light blue pink (Group 56B and 56C), and sometimes margined with medium purple red (Group 54B). Upon opening the basal petal spot is very small and near white (Group 155B) on both surfaces.

When the flowers fully open the color on the upper surface almost does not changes, and remains light blue pink (Group 56D) and more or less suffused with darker light blue pink (Group 56B and 56C), and sometimes margined with medium purple red (Group 54B). Meanwhile the under surface of the petals remain of a light blue pink color (Group 56D) and more or less suffused with darker light blue pink (Group 56B and 56C), and sometimes margined with medium purple red (Group 54B); and the basal petal spot remains very small and near white (Group 155B) on both surfaces.

The color persists very well, it only becomes slightly lighter with age.

The flowers persist on a plant quote long, commonly about 12 to 14 days on average on the plant, and approximately 7 to 10 days on average when cut and placed in a vase.

Flowers have a very light and sweet fragrance.

The number of petals per flower is five on average under normal growing conditions. The petals shape is cordate, the texture is consistent and somewhat firm. The arrangement of the petals is imbricated and flowers usually do not have petaloids.

Petals drop off cleanly after flowering.

Reproductive parts:
The number of stamens per flower is approximately 121 on average.

The anthers are regularly arranged around the styles,they are approximately 0.2 cm in size on average, and have near light brown color (Group 165B) or lighter greyed-orange color (Group 167B) depending upon the level of maturity.

The pollen has medium yellow brown color (Group 167C).

The filaments have a length of approximately 1 cm on average and dark purple color (Group 58A).

The number of pistils is approximately 17 on average.

The stigmas are approximately 0.1 cm in size on average and have light brown color (Group 164A).

The styles are approximately 0.2 cm in length on average, and near red-purple (Group 60B) in coloration.

The receptacle is smooth, pitcher-shaped in longitudinal section, approximately 0.6 cm in length on average, approximately 0.4 cm in width on average at the widest point, and has dark brown green color (Group 146B).

The hips of this rose variety is generally pear-shaped, approximately 1.2 cm in length on average, approximately 1 cm in width on average, and have dark brown green color (Group 146B).


‘Astronomia’ has vigorous and strong growth habit. Forms well formed, bushy and upright plant. The height of the mature and well-established plant is about 60 to 120 cm on average and the width is approximately 60 to 90 cm on average at the end of the growing season.

The variety has very healthy, vigorous and dense foliage.General appearance of the foliage is glossy, dense, dark green, and relatively thick.

The stipules are adnate, pectinate, and broad.

The petioles on the upper surface have dark green color (Group 137A) and on the under surface they are of a medium brown green color (Group 146C). Their length is approximately 3.6 cm for the terminal leaflet.

Rachis on the upper surface has dark green color (Group 137A) and on the under surface is medium brown green (Group 146C).

The number of leaflets on a normal mid stem leaves varies from 3, and most often to 5 and 7. The shape of the leaflets is generally elliptic with an obtuse base and a pointed tip. The size of the terminal leaflets commonly are approximately 5.3 cm in length and approximately 2.6 cm in width on average. The type of serration is small and single. The texture is physically firm and thick.

The color of the young foliage on the upper surface is dark brown green (Group 146B) and sometimes margined with near greyed-red (Group 178A) while the under surface has dark brown green color (Group 146B) and amply suffused with dark brown purple (Group 178A).

The color of the mature foliage on the upper surface is dark green (Group 137A) and on the under surface is near yellow-green (Group 146A).

The new stems have medium brown green (Group 146C - 146D) color and the mature branches have medium brown green color (Group 146C).

The larger prickles on the young stems configuration are very elongated and curved downwards on the upper surface, concave on the under surface, and oboval at the base.The quantity of the prickles is approximately 7 on average on a stem length of 15 cm. The length of the prickles is approximately 6 mm or more on average. They commonly have light green color (Group 144A and 144B) and amply suff-used with dark brown purple (Group 178A).

The large prickles are present, they have very elongated and curved downwards on the upper surface form, concave on the under surface, and oboval at the base. The quantity of large prickles is approximately 3 on average on a stem length of 15 cm. They have the length of approximately 6 mm or more on average. The color is light green (Group 144B) and amply suffused with light brown (Group 165B) and dark brown purple (Group 178A).

Small prickles:
The small prickles on the young stems and on the adult stems are commonly absent.

Disease resistance:
The variety has very good resistance to diseases particularly with respect to Marsonia.

The variety shows good cold hardiness in zones USDA 6 and higher, but requires winter protection in more colder climates.

Name origin

Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.


AJJH, Prix de la Rose, Association des Journalistes du Jardin et de l'Horticulture Show, 2005;

Baden-Baden Gold Medal, Baden-Baden Rose Trials, 2005;

Bagatelle (Paris) 1er Prix, Bagatelle (Paris) Rose Trials, 2005;

Le Roeulx Gold Medal, Le Roeulx Rose Trials, 2005;

Saverne Silver Medal, Saverne Rose Trials, 2005;

Hradec Králové First Prize, Hradec Králové Rose Trials, 2007;

Hradec Králové Golden Rose, Hradec Králové Rose Trials, 2007

Australia - Bronze Medal, International Rose Concours - Hague, 2010;

Best of Class, Desert Rose Society Annual Fall Show, 2010;

The Hague Bronze Certificate, The Hague Rose Trials, 2010;

Monaco - Rose D'Or / Trophée Piaget, Monaco Rose Trials, 2012;

Floribunda Spray, South Metro Rose Society Show, 2022;


ORIGIN OF THE VARIETY This new variety of Rosa hybrida relates to class Floribunda rose was created by artificial pollination of the two parents:

The female parent (i.e., the seed parent) is an unnamed rose, which was the product of the cross of the Floribunda rose ‘Meidomonac’ / ‘Bonica’ variety by Marie-Louise Meilland, 1975 with the Shrub rose ‘Playboy’ variety by Alexander Cocker, 1976;

The male parent (i.e., the pollen parent) is the Climbing rose ‘Meinoiral’ / ‘Deborah’ by Meilland, 1989.

Therefore the parentage of this rose variety can be summarized as follows: [‘Meidomonac’ / ‘Bonica’ × ‘Playboy’] × ‘Meinoiral’ / ‘Deborah’.


The seeds resulting from the above pollination were sown and small plants were obtained which were physically and biologically different from each other. Selective study resulted in the identification of a single plant of the new variety.

It was found that the new Floribunda rose ‘Meiguimov’/ ‘Astronomia’:

  1. exhibits a bushy growth habit,

  2. abundantly forms on a nearly continuous basis attractive white blossoms with pink suffusion having five petals and decorative stamens,

3.forms dense dark green foliage having a glossy aspect that contrasts well with the light blossom coloration, and;

  1. is particularly well suited for growing as attractive ornamentation in parks and gardens.

The disease tolerance of this variety is good.

The new variety well meets the needs of the horticultural industry and can be grown to advantage in the landscape where attractive ornamentation is desired.


‘The rose variety ‘Meiguimov’/ ‘Astronomia’ can be readily distinguished from its parents. For instance, the ‘Meidomonac’ / ‘Bonica’ variety displays double medium pink blossoms. The ‘Playboy’ variety displays scarlet flowers with a pink eye, and the ‘Meinoiral’ variety forms considerably larger, darker and semi-double flowers.

Climate zones


Growing tips

roses for full sun areas Sun position: Grows well on full sun.
soil reuirements Preference in type of soils: Grows well on all types of soils.
rose prunning tips Prunning: Requires deadheading after the flowering.


Black spots:




Rain resistance:

Cold hardy:

Heat resistance:

Published May 31, 2024, 11:18 a.m. by Yuri Osadchyi
