Rose Tan98383
Other names: Alabaster, Champollion, Diamond Jubilee
Main color: White
Color: Creamy white
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Large
Flower: Very full , rosette , in small clusters
Foliage: Dark green , medium , glossy , leathery
Aroma: Light, lilac
Class: Floribunda rose
Sub-class: Floribunda rose
Type: Floribunda rose
Growth type: Bushy, rounded
Height: 50 - 90 cm
Width: 50 cm
‘Alabaster’ rose is exceptionally beautiful white floribunda rose with large, very full and lush, long-lasting flowers. The flowers appear on the plant in clusters of 3-5 blooms each. Has attractive glossy, dark-green leaves which contrast well with her flowers. The plant has a round and bushy shape that looks great in groups, mix borders or as a cover for large flower beds.
‘Alabaster’ has recurrent blooming habit. The flowering is abundant and lasts all season from May to frost.
Flower bud:
The buds are about 3.3 cm (1.3 inches) long and 3.3 cm (1.3 inches) in diameter when the petals start to unfurl. The bud form is globular with pointed top.
Flowers when open are large, average open diameter is about 8 to 10 cm (close to 5.1 inches. They are borne in small clusters of 5 to 10 flowers.
Stems are strong, the average length is about 35 cm and diameter of about 3.5 mm.
‘Alabaster’ offers a white coloured flowers with creamy shades and light yellow center when the flower just opened. As the flower ages, the colour becomes paler, turning to pure white. Sometimes, when the nights become colder the outer petals may have pink hues closer to the edges.
Flowers have rosette shape, and later the flower perfectly flattens as the flower develops. When it is fully open, the outer petals curl back to make starry points.
The flowers live in normal conditions on a plant for about 8-12 days and about 10 days as a cut flower.
The number of petals under normal conditions is about 70-75, have dense and smooth texture.
Petals dry out and stay on the plant, therefore the plant requires regular deadheading.
The fragrance is very light, some say it has reminiscence of lilac.
‘Alabaster’ is classified as a large flowered floribunda rose Rosa hybrida.
It has vigorous, compact, almost rounded, bushy growth habit.
The number of leaflets on normal mid-stem leaves is 5 - 7 (including terminal leaflet). They are medium sized, glossy, and lathery.
New foliage has medium green colour and darkens as it ages.
Disease resistance:
The variety has a higher average resistance to black spot, very resistant to botrytis, rust and mildew.
The variety is particularly suitable for growing in large beds, pots and tubs, borders of beds, small groups, in romantic gardens mixed with perennials, mixed borders.
Name origin
Name ‘Alabaster’ makes reference to skin like alabaster (marble-white, velvety) which has long been considered the ideal of beauty. In the Baroque era, noble women in particular aspired to this.
Another name ‘Champollion’ is maned after Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832), a French linguist who laid the foundation for scientific research into dynastic Egypt in 1822 by deciphering the first hieroglyphs on the Rosetta Stone. In 1831 he was given the first ever chair in Egyptology.
This variety the breeder gave two registrations codes in the European Union ‘Tan02226’ and in Poland ‘Tan98383’.
Information about the parantage of this rose is not available or commecrically protected.
Climate zones
USDA zone 6 and warmer
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Black spots:
Rain resistance:
Cold hardy:
Heat resistance:
Published Sept. 28, 2023, 10 a.m. by rosesabc_admin
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