
Roses tagged with old rose
Coupe de Hebe Coupe de Hebe rose

Bred in 1840 in France, this wonderful Bourbon rose - with its deep soft pink or silvery-lavender, delicately bending clusters …

Paul Noel Paul Noel rose

"Paul Noel" - це дивовижний гібрид вічурана (Wichuraiana), крупноцветковий рамблер (rambler) повторного цвітіння має незвичайні, дуже привабливі м’які квіти ніжно-лососево-рожевого …

Ambroise Pare Ambroise Pare rose

“Ambroise Pare” is one of the finest and most widely cultivated Gallica roses, created in 1846 by Jean-Pierre Vibert. The …

Reine Victoria Reine Victoria rose

"Reine Victoria" was one of the most cultivated roses of the 19th century. This stunning Bourbon rose features charming lilac-pink …

Ipsilanti Ipsilanti rose

The rose "Ipsilanti," named in honor of Greek patriot and general Prince Alexandros Ipsilantis, is a remarkable variety of Gallica/Provins …

Petite de Hollande Petite de Hollande rose

The Centifolia rose (Centifolia, Gallica hybrid) "Petite de Hollande" is covered in early summer with a mass of small (4-5 …

Duc de Cambridge Duc de Cambridge rose

The rose variety "Duc de Cambridge" is a true treasure among the old rose varieties. Its exquisite beauty and rich, …

Pink Leda Pink Leda rose

‘Pink Leda’ is an ancient Damask rose of unknown origin, discovered before 1949, renowned for its pure pink color and …

Leda Leda rose

‘Leda’ is an old, highly fragrant Damask rose bred by an unknown English breeder in the UK before 1827. This …

Centifolia Muscosa Centifolia Muscosa rose

This Old moss rose, known as 'Old Moss,' was first mentioned in Carcassonne, France, around 1696 (with the earliest reliable …

William Lobb William Lobb rose

The rose variety ‘William Lobb’ was bred in France by Laffay in 1855 and is classified as a Moss Rose …

Albertine Albertine rose

A lot has been beautifully written about this old climbing rose, which remains very popular to this day!
The rose …