Rose Stadt Rom



Registration code: Tan04999
Breeder: Christian Evers
Year of introduction: 2000
Introduced by: Rosen Tantau (Uetersen, DE)

Main color: Pink
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Medium
Aroma: Fresh, flower-like
60 - 70 cm / 1' 12" - 2' 4"
80 - 100 cm / 2' 7" - 3' 3"

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Main color: Pink

Color: Carmine to salmon-pink

Flowering: Repeat flowering

Flower size: Medium

Flower: Single, expanded, flat, cluster-flowered

Foliage: Dark green, medium, glossy, leathery

Aroma: Fresh, flower-like

Class: Groundcover rose

Sub-class: Grandiflora rose, Modern Shrub rose

Type: Groundcover rose

Growth type: Compact, Dense, Spreading

Height: 60 - 70 cm / 1' 12" - 2' 4"

Width: 80 - 100 cm / 2' 7" - 3' 3"


’Stadt Rom’ rose variety is a groundcover shrub rose belonging to a new generation, incredibly lush in bloom. It is one of the best landscape rose varieties. Forms very strong, well-branched, dense, and compact plant. The fairly large, simple flowers are enchanting and bloom so abundantly that the low bush becomes entirely covered, leaving no foliage visible.

The flowers are single, slightly fragrant, and of a beautiful warm salmon-pink color, gathered in large clusters that do not fade even during the hottest summer. In the slightly lighter center of the flowers, a tuft of golden stamens attracts bees and butterflies to your garden. The fragrance is not strong but very pleasant – fresh and floral. This rose is decorative, hardy, easy to grow, versatile, and ideal for use as a ground cover rose. It is also frost-resistant.

The ‘Stadt Rom’ rose variety boasts the perfect form of a ground cover rose. It grows quickly and blooms tirelessly and profusely all summer with large, simple, and charming flowers of elegant carmine-pink color. It thrives in full sun without fading and tolerates shade well. The rose has received numerous awards for its resilience, decorative qualities, and versatility.

Flower and Plant Description

Forms low growing plants, of about 60-80 cm tall, strong, yet very dense and compact, about 80 - 100 cm in width. It bushes out well, and its long shoots are adorned with numerous bright carmine-pink flower clusters, each containing 5 - 10 blossoms. The plant of this rose variety grows quickly, blooming tirelessly and abundantly all summer with medium-sized (5-6 cm in diameter), simple (4-8 petals), cup-shaped to flat flowers. The flowers are bright and enchanting in a salmon-pink hue with yellow stamens, opening from long, pointed coral buds. The fragrance is light or absent. It blooms in flushes throughout the season.

The foliage is medium-sized, medium-green, leathery, with five leaflets, and is very disease-resistant. This rose is highly decorative, hardy, does not require special treatment, and versatile in use. It is valued for its abundant, continuous flowering, vibrant color, and ease of care. It is the perfect, universal decoration for your garden – suitable for group plantings, enhancing any flower bed, large flowerbeds, borders, mixed plantings, standalone plantings, along pathways, or as accents on lawns. It can also be used as a border along lawns or garden beds, alongside walls, in pots or containers, on rocky hillsides, in rock gardens, on slopes, for mass plantings, or public landscaping, including schoolyards and church grounds. It is recommended for hot climates and is bee-friendly.

Rose variety ‘Stadt Rom’ has good frost resistance, suitable for growing in climates similar to USDA zones 6b to 9b. It is ideal as a ground cover and highly disease-resistant.

‘Stadt Rom’ is often referred to as a "breakthrough" or "progress" in rose breeding, as its exceptional flowering is combined with absolute hardiness. The breeder of this variety described its flower color in the patent as red-pink, but a more accurate description would be salmon-pink or carmine-pink. Its simple shaped flowers cover the low plant so densely that from a distance, they resemble tiny tiles rather than flowers. The profuse flowering of ‘Stadt Rom’ lasts well into late autumn, and interestingly, the flowers do not fade in the sun.

The rose has earned numerous awards for its resilience, ornamental value, and versatility.

Name origin

Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.


Bronze Medal, Baden-Baden Rose Trials, Germany, 2006;

Gold Medal, Den Haag / Netherlands and Geneva / Switzerland, 2006;

ADR Certificate, Germany (Anerkannte Deutsche Rose Trials), 2007;

Gold Medal, Paris, France, 2007;

Gold Medal, Lyon Rose Trials, France, 2008;

Gold Medal, The Hague Rose Trials, Netherlands, 2009;

Golden Rose, The Hague Rose Trials, 2009;

Gold Medal, Baden, Austria, and SNHF, France, 2009;

"Golden Rose" title, Courtrai / Kortrijk Rose Trials, Belgium, 2011;

Grand Prize, Orléans Rose Trials, France, 2011;

"Certificate of Merit", Orléans Rose Trials, France, 2011;

Golden Rose Rumbeke, Belgium, 2011;

Gold Medal, Monaco, 2012;

Golden Rose of Den Haag, Netherlands; Top Rose 2011/12;

Gold Medal and Golden Rose, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 2014;


Rose variety ‘Tan04999’ / 'Stadt Rom' originated by Christian Evers by crossing a Shrub rose with pink flowers ‘Footloose’ (by Hans Jurgen Evers, 1990) with the Shrub rose with red flowers ‘Royal Bassino’ (W. Kordes & Sons, 1991).

Climate zones


Growing tips

soil reuirements Preference in type of soils: Grows well on all types of soils.
rose prunning tips Prunning: Requires deadheading after the flowering.


Black spots:




Rain resistance:

Cold hardy:

Heat resistance:

Published Jan. 28, 2025, 6:37 p.m. by Галина Микитинець
