We have all information about rose varieties in our encyclopedia

Search rose varieties and cultivars by alphabet

Roses ABC

Here you can find all rose varieties from our library, sorted alphabetically. Just click the letter and get all list of names starting from this letter.

Find rose variety by tag or specific characteristic

Roses by tag

If you need to find a rose with a specific characteristic, such as 'fragrant' or 'old rose', or if you are looking for a particularly healthy variety for your garden, then simply follow here and start exploring the rose varieties that we have gathered and categorized with specific characteristics in tags.

Search roses using rose filters, full text search or search by characteristics

Roses Search

There is a wide range of rose varieties available, each with its unique features, such as flower form, color, fragrance, disease resistance, and growth habit. By searching for information, you can identify and select the varieties that align with your preferences and the specific conditions of your garden. That is why we created various tools to help you find the perfect rose easily and quickly.

Find recomended roses by specific design tip

Landscape Ideas

When properly planned and incorporated into the overall design of the garden, roses can contribute to a visually stunning, fragrant, and captivating landscape that brings joy and pleasure. They can be used as standalone specimens, hedges, borders, or mass plantings, depending on the desired effect and available space. Explore our selection of roses to create various design elements, such as height, structure, and color contrast.

Search rose by rose class or classification characteristic

Roses by Category

There is a wide range of rose categories available, each with its unique features, such as flower form, color, fragrance, disease resistance, and growth habit. By searching for information, you can identify and select the varieties that align with your preferences and the specific needs of your garden.