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Rose Rosa centifolia muscosa alba
Other names: White Bath, Clifton Moss, White Moss, Shailet’s White Moss, Rosa centifolia albo-muscosa, Mousseuse blanche anglaise
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Main color: White
Color: White
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Medium
Flower: Double, rosette, in small clusters
Foliage: Dark green, medium, matt, leathery
Aroma: Moderate
Class: Moss rose
Sub-class: Moss rose
Type: Large shrub
Growth type: Upright, bushy
Height: 120 - 180 cm / 3' 11" - 5' 11"
Width: 90 - 120 cm / 2' 11" - 3' 11"
'White Bath' rose produces a stunning abundance of medium to large double flowers, consisting of 17-25 petals each, adorned with mossy buds. Occasionally its flowers producing petals with pink stripes or tints. Repeat flowering Moss rose variety.
The flower buds of this rose are adorned with long sepals, showcasing exquisite mossy texture that ranges from vibrant green to a gentle brownish-red.
Its deep green leaves provide a striking contrast to the immaculate white blossoms. Similar to numerous Old roses, it possesses a considerable amount of attractive red prickles.
Name origin
Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.
This variety is a sport of Common Moss rose.
Climate zones
USDA zone 5 and warmer
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Cold hardy:
Published Jan. 25, 2024, 3:37 p.m. by Yuri Osadchyi