Rose Rosa centifolia andrewsii Rehder synonym
Other names: Rosa Muscosa Simplex, Andrewsii, Mousseuse à fleurs simples, Mousseuse simple, Muscosa Simplex, Rosa centifolia 'Andrewsii', Rosa centifolia andrewsii, R. centifolia muscosa 'Simplex', Rosa centifolia var. muscosa Ser. 'Simplex', R. muscosa simplex, Rosa muscosa staxon simplex hort. ex Andrews, Rosa provincialis muscosa flore simplex, Rosier mousseux à fleurs simples, Single Moss Rose
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Main color: Pink
Color: Pink
Flowering: Once flowering
Flower size: Medium
Flower: Single, flat, in small clusters
Aroma: Very strong, Old rose
Class: Moss rose
Sub-class: Moss rose
Growth type:
Height: 180 cm / 5' 11"
Width: 150 cm / 4' 11"
Once blooming Moss rose variety.
The flower buds have mossy texture. The flowers are medium sized and single petalled.
Upon opening the flowers have flat form and pink colour with bright yellow stamens and green styles.
Similar in every aspect to R. centifolia, except for the moss, which consists of tightly packed reddish-brown bristles. These bristles are more vibrant on young shoots and cover both stems and calyx.
This variety is somewhat susceptible to mildew.
Name origin
Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.
Information about the parantage of this rose is not available or commecrically protected.
Climate zones
Зони USDA 6 та вище
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Black spots:
Rain resistance:
Cold hardy:
Heat resistance:
Published Jan. 24, 2024, noon by Yuri Osadchyi