Rose Red Intuition
Main color: Red
Color: Clear red with dark purple red stripes
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Large
Flower: Very double , high-centered , mostly single
Foliage: Dark green , large , semi-glossy , leathery
Aroma: Light to none
Class: Hybrid Tea
Sub-class: Florists Rose
Type: Hybrid Tea
Growth type: Upright, outwardly
Height: 70 – 150 cm
Width: 50 - 70 cm
Very recognizable rose which abundantly and nearly continuously produces attractive very double flowers of a clear red colour striped with darker red. Forms attractive plants with a bushy growth habit, and dense dark green, semi-glossy vegetation, and is well suited both for growing in a gardens and in a greenhouses for production of cut flowers. The flowers exhibit a good vase life or will last on a plant for a long time despite rains or heat.
The chart used in the identification of the colors is that of The Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S. Colour Chart-1991).
The variety has very good, repeated flowering, blooms abundantly and nearly continuously. In a greenhouse conditions the variety is able to produce flowers year-round.
Flower bud:
The flower buds have ovate shape in longitudinal section just before the opening of the sepals. Before the calyx breaks the bud has length of about 2.8 to 3.1 cm, with an average length of approximately 3 cm. The colour of the bud as calyx breaks is dark red (Group 45B) striped with dark purple red (Group 53A). The length of the bud after the calyx breaks is about 3.8 to 4.5 cm, with an average length of approximately 4 cm. The colour after the calyx breaks is dark red (Group 45B) striped with dark purple red (Group 53A).
Number of flower buds is generally one per stem when grown under a greenhouse conditions; however, sometimes during forced culture an axillary eye or eyes below the flower develop to form 1 or 2 flowers.
The peduncle is erect, stiff, has medium green colour (Group 144A) with some small hairs. The length of the peduncle is about 8.5 – 11.5 cm, with an average length of 10 cm.
There are 2 sepals commonly possess no extensions, and 3 sepals commonly possess medium to strong extensions. The extensions are denticulate and commonly are long to very long. The sepal length is about 5 – 7 cm. The colour of the sepals is medium brown green (Group 147B) on the upper surface and dark brown green (Group 146B) on the under surface.
The flowers of ‘Red Intuition’ are medium to large, the diameter of the open flower is approximately 10 to 12 cm, and approximately 11 cm on average, with a standard deviation of 0.5 cm. The flowers have high-centered, an irregularly rounded shape when viewed from above. They are very double, with flattened convex at the upper part when viewed from the side and flattened convex to convex at the lower part when viewed from the side.
They last of a plant long – about 7 to 10 days under normal growing conditions. When cut and placed in a vase, the flowers commonly last approximately 5 to 6 days.
The number of petals on a flower is about 31 to 39, with an average of approximately 36. The length of the petals on the second row from the outside is about 5.5 - 6.5 cm with a mean of approximately 5.9 cm, and a standard deviation of 0.4 mm; the width is approximately 5.5 – 6.9 cm with a mean of approximately 5.3 cm, and a standard deviation of 6 mm. The shape of the petals of the first row is commonly exhibits a broad ovate configuration, the undulation of the petal margins is average, and the reflexing of the margins is average.
The following description of a colour of a nearly fully open flower was made while observing a rose which had been undergoing opening for three days:
The petal colour in the middle zone: on the inner surface is medium red (Group 50A) striped with dark purple red (Group 53A); and on the outer surface is red pink (Group 53C and 53D) with darker striping of dark red (Group 53B) or red pink (Group 53C).
The colour of the petals on the marginal zone on the inner surface is medium red (Group 50A) striped with dark purple red (Group 53A), and on the outer surface is red pink (Group 53C and 53D) with darker striping of dark red (Group 53B) and red pink (Group 53C).
The basal spot on the petals is small in size and can be absent when the plant is grown outdoors. The color of the spot in the inner side is medium yellow (Group 9C) .and on the outer side is light yellow (Group 1D).
Petals drop off cleanly when the flower fades.
The fragrance in this variety is very slight, Tea.
Reproductive parts:
The number of stamens per flower is about 136 and they are somewhat regularly arranged around the styles.
The filaments are medium in length, not all possess an anther. When the flower is partially open they have dark yellow (Group 14A) and medium yellow orange (Group 17B) colour; and when the flower is fully open the colour changes to pink (Group 37C) and medium yellow (Group 8B).
The anthers are medium sized, all open at approximately the same time, and the immature coloration is medium yellow orange (Group 14C).
The pollen is sparse in quantity and has medium yellow orange colour (Group 21A).
The number of pistils is approximately 147.
The styles are medium long and have red pink colour (Group 52A).
The stigmas are light yellow orange (Group 18B), and generally are present at the same level as the anthers, but a few anthers may be higher.
Hips are rarely formed and are funnel-shaped when formed and are approximately 23 mm in diameter.
The seeds have not been observed up to date.
The rose variety ‘Red Intuition’ is classified as a Hybrid tea rose. The variety has vigorous, bushy and strong growth habit. Forms upright, slightly outwardly plants with very strong branches. The mature and well-established plants can reach a height of about 70 – 150 cm and a width of about 50 – 70 cm.
It was primarily designed for growing in a greenhouse environment but proved itself suitable for growing in gardens.
The number of foliage is typical for the class and commonly the average plant has approximately 90 to 100 leaves. The general appearance of the foliage consistent with medium glossiness. The number of leaflets per normal mis-stem leaves varies from 3 to 5 and to 7.
The stipules have adnate shape, medium in size, and commonly 30 to 40 mm (average 35 mm) in length, approximately 7 to 9 mm (average 8 mm) in width at the mid-point, and approximately 18 to 22 mm (average 20 mm) at the distal end.
Petiole commonly bears some prickles (often 1 to 3 per petiole), and the inner surface is grooved with non-glandular edges. The petiole color on young stems is medium brown (Group 173A) with green and bronze coloration. The petiole color on floral stem is dark brown green (Group 146A) on the upper surface and medium brown green (Group 146C) on the under surface. Petiole color on mature wood is dark brown green (Group 146A) on the upper surface and medium brown green (Group 146C) on the under surface. Petiole length of terminal leaflet is approximately 16 to 22 mm, approximately 19 mm on average, with a standard deviation of 0.22 mm.
The shape of the leaflets is rounded to cordate at the base of the terminal leaflet and convex in cross section. The edges are serrated, the type of serration is single and irregular.
Terminal leaflet length: approximately 60 to 90 mm, approximately 70 mm on average, with a standard deviation of 0.67 mm. Terminal leaflet width: approximately 40 to 63 mm, approximately 46 mm on average, with a standard deviation of 0.41 mm. Terminal leaflet shape at base: rounded. Leaflet color of young shoot: dark brown green (Group 147A) with some bronze coloration on the upper surface and dark brown purple (Group 183C) with some green coloration on the middle of the under surface.
Leaflet color on the floral stem is dark green (Group 139A) on the upper surface and medium brown green (Group 147B) on the under surface. Leaflet color of mature wood is dark brown green (Group 147A) on the upper surface, and medium brown green (Group 147B) on the under surface.
The venation pattern is in a typical alternately arranged pattern, and the coloration commonly is light green (Group 151A) at the distal end and light green brown (Group 160A) at the proximal end.
The colour of the young stems when approximately 20 cm long, exhibit more green coloration to medium brown green (Group 146D), the bark is smooth. The floral stems have medium green (Group 144A) to dark brown green colour (Group 146B), the bark is smooth. The mature wood has dark brown green colour (Group 146A) the bark is smooth with some rough patches.
The diameter of the stems is commonly approximately 8 to 11 mm, with an average of 9 mm.
On a typical floral stem having a length of 70 cm, there commonly are no prickles on the 30 cm below the bud, for the next 20 cm there are no or very few prickles, and for the last 20 cm there are some prickles. They are irregularly arranged having lengths of approximately 3 mm to 1 cm and an average length of approximately 56 mm. On a young shoots on the length of approximately 30 cm, there commonly are no prickles.
The prickles are convex on the upper edge and concave on the under edge. On the floral stems the coloration of the thorns is medium brown purple (Group 181A), and on mature wood the prickles are medium brown (Group 165A and 165B).
Small prickles:
The small prickles are not observed on the main canes and on the laterals from the main canes of this rose variety.
Disease resistance:
The resistance to diseases is good under greenhouse conditions, as well as when grown outdoors. In colder and wet climates is somewhat susceptible to black spot and mildew. Pest resistance - not tested.
The variety shows good winter hardiness in climate zones similar to USDA 6 and warmer. Also, the flowers of rose variety ‘Red Intuition’ demonstrate good tolerance to heat and rain when grown in a garden.
Name origin
Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.
Hybrid Tea Spray, Albuquerque Rose Society Show, 2005
Decorative Hybrid Tea, Kern County Rose Society Show, 2005
Best HT/G in Frame, Scottsdale Rose Society Show, 2005
The rose variety ‘Delstriro’ / ‘Red Intuition’ was discovered in a greenhouse at Hyères, France, during 1999 and is a spontaneous mutation of unknown causation of the ‘Delego’ / ‘Belle Rouge’, a Hybrid Tea rose variety from Delbard, 1996. Had this variety not been discovered and preserved it would have been lost to mankind.
The rose variety ‘Delstriro’ / ‘Red Intuition’ exhibits the following combination of characteristics:
Forms green mature wood, displays a bushy growth habit, and forms attractive long lasting clear red striped with darker red double flowers, and;
Forms semi-vigorous to vigorous vegetation, produces flowers in abundance, exhibits the ability readily to be forced, and is resistant to diseases.
Produces relatively straight stems, rigid and substantially straight peduncles, has excellent ability to be forced under greenhouse growing conditions, and a good vase life for the distinctive clear red striped with dark red blossoms.
The rose variety ‘Delstriro’ / ‘Red Intuition’ underwent an asexual propagation and can be readily reproduced by conventional routes, such as budding (i.e., eye grafting), the rooting of cuttings and tissue culture. This asexual reproduction by budding as performed at Hyéres, France, has demonstrated that the characteristics of the new variety are stable and are strictly transmissible from one generation to another.
The ‘Delstriro’ / ‘Red Intuition’ can be easily distinguished from other varieties as well as from the parent variety ‘Delego’ / ‘Belle Rouge’ by the following characteristics:
While the parent ‘Delego’ / ‘Belle Rouge’ rose variety display dark red flowers without the stripes, the flowers of ‘Delstriro’ / ‘Red Intuition’ have striped red flowers.
Climate zones
USDA zone 6 and warmer
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Black spots:
Rain resistance:
Cold hardy:
Heat resistance:
Published Jan. 20, 2024, 3:08 p.m. by rosesabc_admin
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