Rose Phoenix

Tags: healthy



Registration code: KORrosobi
Breeder: W. Kordes' Söhne
Year of introduction: 2018
Introduced by: W. Kordes' Söhne

Main color: Orange
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Medium
Aroma: Light to none
70 cm / 2' 4"
50 cm / 1' 8"

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Main color: Orange

Color: Orange

Flowering: Repeat flowering

Flower size: Medium

Flower: Very full, cupped, in small clusters

Foliage: Dark-green, medium, glossy, leathery

Aroma: Light to none

Class: Floribunda rose

Sub-class: Floribunda rose

Type: Floribunda rose

Growth type: Erect, upright, compact

Height: 70 cm / 2' 4"

Width: 50 cm / 1' 8"


A new and distinct variety of floribunda rose ‘Phoenix’ / ‘KORrosobi’, forms in abundance and continuously very bright, vibrant, attractive, orange-colored flowers. The plant has vigorous but at the same time bushy and compact growth habit. Has a highly attractive ornamental glossy, dark green foliage. The variety is particularly well suited for providing distinctive ornamentation both in the landscaping and in a small garden.

The chart used in the identification of colors is that of The Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S. Colour Chart, 2015 edition). The terminology which precedes reference to the chart has been added to indicate the corresponding color in more common terms. The description is based on the observation of a three-year-old specimen of this variety, observed during June, while growing in a field on its own roots at Cochranville, Pa.

‘Phoenix’ has abundant and substantially continuous flowering, from spring through frost.

The number of flowers per stem under normal growing conditions is typically up to 13 per stem, they are gathered in small clusters.

Peduncle is light green colour (Group 144A) blended with grey brown (Group 199A). The average diameter is approximately 3.0 mm on average, the length is about 4.7 cm, the surface sparely covered in short, flexible thorns that measure less than 1.0 mm in length.

The number of sepals is 5 in average. Their upper surface is covered in short pubescence and has a light green colour (Group 144A); the under surface puberulent, has light green colour (Group 144A) blended with dark brown purple (Group 183C). They have an average length of 2.5 cm and width of 1.0 cm, their margin is entire with occasional extensions on two or three sepals measuring approximately 5.0 mm to 1.0 cm in length and approximately 5.0 mm in width.

Flower bud:
The flower bud has rounded to ovoid shape; the length is about 2.0 cm, and the width is 2.0 cm. The bud colour upon opening is dark orange (Group 31B) blended with medium yellow orange (Group 16A).

Its flowers are very full, cupped to flat and slightly concave, they are medium sized, with an average diameter when the flower is fully open of 7.5 cm; the average flowers depth is 3.5 cm on average.

The number of petals on the flower is 55 on average. The petals length is about 3.5 cm and the width is about 3.5 cm on average. The overall shape of the petal is broadly obovate; the apex is rounded; and the base is rounded to cuneate, the margin is entire. Color of the petals when the flower first open on the upper surface is dark orange (Group 31B) with medium yellow orange colour of the petal’s base (Group 11A) and the under surface is light orange (Group 26C) with light yellow orange colour of the petal’s base (Group 11D).

When the flower fades the colour changes to medium orange pink colour (Group 31C) with some of the outermost petals exhibiting tones when fading to medium red (Group 44B) on the upper surface, the colour of the apical margin and base is light yellow (Group 11B). At the same time the under surface turns medium orange pink (Group 31D) with some of the outermost petals exhibiting tones of medium red (Group 44B) and the near the apical margin and base the colour is light yellow (Group 11B). Petals dry out and drop off cleanly.

The number of petaloids on the flower is 6 on average.

‘Phoenix’ has very light, sweet fragrance.

Reproductive parts:
Its flowers have 60 in average stamens per flower. Anthers are medium yellow orange (Group 21B); the filaments length is about 5.0 mm on average, they are medium yellow orange (Group 17C).

The pistils arranged separately and freely. Their number on a flower is 75 in average.

Style is light yellow (Group 4C); length is 4.5 mm on average.

Stigma is medium yellow (Group 6C) with length of about 1.0 mm.

Receptacle with achenes standing on the bottom and the wall; the average diameter of 1.0 cm, urn shaped to round, color is light green (Group 144A), and surface texture is smooth.

Pollen is sparse, light orange (Group 24B).

Hips – not observed.

‘Phoenix’ has bushy and compact growth habit, branches are upright and erect. The height is 45 – 70 cm on average and the width of the mature plant is about 50 – 60 cm on average.

The variety’s general appearance is very ornamental, glossy and dark green colored.

Young foliage on the upper side has dark brown green colour (Group 146A) with dark brown purple (Group 183B) along the margins and venation of lighter dark brown purple (Group 183A). The under surface is dark brown green (Group 146B) with some blending of medium brown (Group 176B) toward the margins and medium brown (Group 146C) venation.

Old foliage on the upper surface is dark brown green (Group NN137A) with dark green (Group NN137B) venation; the under surface is dark green (Group 137B) with venation of medium brown green (Group 137C).

Petiole has smooth surface texture on the upper surface; the colour is a blend of medium brown green (Group 137B) and dark brown purple (Group 183A); the under surface is smooth with a few thorns, measuring approximately 2.0 mm in length, the colour is medium brown green (Group 137C). Petioles length is about 3.5 cm on average.

Rachis on the upper surface is commonly a blend of near medium brown green (Group 137B) and dark brown purple (Group 183A), the under surface is medium brown green (Group 137C). Its length is 7.5 cm on average.

Stipules have average length of 2.0 cm on average, width is about 6.0 mm, margin is entire to erose. The colour of the upper and under surfaces is medium brown green (Group 137C) with some blending of near medium brown purple (Group 185C). Leaf margins are serrate. The leaves are very glossy on the upper side.

The number of leaflets on the average mid stem leaf varies from 3 to 5 and to 7. They have an ovate shape, the venation pattern is reticulate.

The texture of the leaflet is smooth on both sides.

Terminal leaflet has average length of about 5.0 cm and width of about 3.3 cm; the apex is acute, base is rounded, and margin undulation is moderate.

Lower leaflets’ length measures about 3.5 cm and the width is approximately 2.5 cm.

5-leaflet leaf has total length of about 12.0 cm and total width of about 8.0 cm.

The young wood has dark brown purple colour (Group 183C) and smooth bark. The old wood has dark brown green colour (Group 146B) with dark brown purple shades (Group 183B

Main stems have length of about 45.0 cm on average and their diameter is approximately 6.0 mm on average.

Secondary stems have average length of about 8.0-10.0 cm and diameter of about 3.0 mm.

Young prickles have length of about 5.0 mm and the width of about 3.0 mm at point of attachment, and color is commonly medium brown purple (Group 183D).

Old prickles have an average length of about 1.0 cm and width of about 8.0 mm at point of attachment, the colour is dark brown purple (Group 183C).

Disease resistance:
The variety showed very good resistance to main rose diseases – black spot and mildew. Also has excellent heat and rain tolerance.

It showed relatively good winter hardiness, recommended for USDA Zone 6b and warmer.

Name origin

Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.

Rose Series

Kordes‘ Klima-Rosen


As of the date no infarmation available on the awards this rose has recieved. It is also possible that this rose has not gained any awards yet.


The new variety of Rosa hybrida Floribunda Rose Plant ‘Phoenix’ was created during May 2007 at Offenseth-Sparrieshoop, Germany by artificial pollination wherein two parents were crossed which previously had been studied in the hope that they would contribute the desired characteristics. The female parent (i.e., seed parent) of the new variety was the ‘Rose der Hoffnung’ / ‘KORamflusa’ variety. The male parent (i.e., pollen parent) of the new variety was the ‘Westzeit’ / ‘NOA75800’ variety.

The seeds resulting from the above pollination were sown and small plants were obtained which were physically and biologically different from each other. Selective study resulted in the identification of a single plant of the new variety.

It was found that the new Floribunda Rose Plant possesses the following unique combination of characteristics:

(a) abundantly and substantially continuously forms attractive, orange colored blossoms,

(b) exhibits a very bushy and compact growth habit,

(c) forms vigorous vegetation, and

(d) forms attractive ornamental glossy, dark green foliage.

The new variety well meets the needs of the horticultural industry. It can be grown to advantage as ornamentation in parks, gardens, public areas, and in residential settings. Accordingly, the plant is particularly well suited for growing in the landscape.

The new variety can be readily distinguished from its parents. More specifically:

‘Rose der Hoffnung’ / ‘KORamflusa’ variety (i.e., seed parent) exhibits larger flowers and a less compact growth habit compared to ‘Phioenix’ / ‘KORrosobi’ and displays yellow flowers with pink edges, whereas ‘Phioenix’ / ‘KORrosobi’ displays orange colored flowers.

‘Westzeit’ / ‘NOA75800’ variety (i.e., pollen parent) exhibits a lower petal count, more disease resistance, and a different flower color compared to ‘Phioenix’ / ‘KORrosobi’.

The new variety has been found to undergo asexual propagation in Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop, Germany by several routes such as budding. Asexual propagation techniques in Germany, such as budding, have shown that the characteristics of the new variety are homogeneous, stable, and strictly transmissible by such asexual propagation from one generation to another. Accordingly, the new variety undergoes asexual propagation in a true-to-type manner.

The new variety has been named ‘Phioenix’ / ‘KORrosobi’.

‘Phioenix’ / ‘KORrosobi’ can be easily distinguished from non-parental related similar varieties. For example, the ‘Poulpa1068’ variety (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 28,930) displays less petals and is taller and wider compared to the new variety.

Climate zones

USDA zone 6 and warmer

Growing tips

roses for full sun areas Sun position: Grows well on full sun.
soil reuirements Preference in type of soils: Grows well on all types of soils.
rose prunning tips Prunning: Requires deadheading after the flowering.


Black spots:




Rain resistance:

Cold hardy:

Heat resistance:

Published Sept. 30, 2023, 3:26 p.m. by Yuri Osadchyi
