Rose Rosa foetida persiana
Other names: Rosa foetida persiana, Rosa foetida 'Persian Yellow', R. foetida persiana, Jaune de Perse
Main color: Yellow
Color: Golden-yellow
Flowering: Once flowering
Flower size: Medium
Flower: Double, rosette, in small clusters
Foliage: Dark green, small, semi-glossy, leathery
Aroma: Strong, sweet
Class: Rosa foetida persiana
Sub-class: Wild rose, Rosa foetida persiana
Type: Large shrub
Growth type: Vigorous, arching, bushy
Height: 150 - 200 cm / 4' 11" - 6' 7"
Width: 120 - 200 cm / 3' 11" - 6' 7"
Discovered by Sir Henry Willock (United Kingdom, 1837).
Flowers have very bright and bold golden-yellow color. Rarely occasional carmine-red streaks might happen on flowers. Flowers are medium-sized, semi-double, rosette form.
It is once-blooming rose, flowering in late spring or early summer.
Very well armed with thorns / prickles, spreading and arching growth. Rosa foetida has exerted great influence on the modern stock of cultivated roses, contributing also its susceptibility to black spot.
This rose is extremely cold hardy, USDA 3 zone.
Best pruned after the flowering.
Name origin
The rose is named for its smell - foetida is Latin for "having a bad smell" - which is reminiscent of boiled linseed oil, a smell which some find objectionable. However in fact this rose has wonderful strong and sweet fragrance.
Sport of Rosa foetida
Climate zones
USDA zone 3 and warmer
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Black spots:
Rain resistance:
Cold hardy:
Heat resistance:
Published Aug. 16, 2023, 12:38 p.m. by Yuri Osadchyi