Rose Paint it Black



Other names: Black Baccara

Registration code: Meidebenne
Breeder: Alain Meilland
Year of introduction: 2000
Introduced by: Meilland International SA

Main color: Red
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Large
Type: Hybrid Tea
Aroma: None
80 - 130 cm, 60 - 70 cm

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Main color: Red

Color: Dark burgundy

Flowering: Repeat flowering

Flower size: Large

Flower: Very double , high-centered , mostly solitary

Foliage: Dark green , large , semi-glossy , lathery

Aroma: None

Class: Hybrid Tea

Sub-class: Hybrid Tea

Type: Hybrid Tea

Growth type: Upright, outwardly

Height: 80 - 130 cm

Width: 60 - 70 cm


Captivating dark burgundy colour of this rose stands out both in garden and in a bouquet. The flowers have very rich and velvety texture, dramatic and magical colour on a classical high-centered shape, and excellent health. The flowers are very resistant to heat and rain.

The description of the rose variety ‘Black Baccara’ is used with the identification of the colors of The Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S. Colour Chart) and based on the observation of two year-old plants.

Rose variety ‘Black Baccara’ has very abundant and good repeating flowering. Blooms in flushes from early summer until frosts.

Flower bud:
The flower buds are medium sized, and the shape is conical. The length of the flower buds is approximately 4 cm on average. They are usually born singly or several together, mostly 3 – 4 together.

The upper surface of the sepals is tomentose, near Green (Group 138B) and sometimes with anthocyanin coloration of near dark purple red (Group 187C) on the edges. The under surface of the sepals is smooth, medium green, near light green (Group 144A). The length of the sepals is approximately 5 cm. There are commonly 2 sepals having normal extensions.

The peduncle is long, with prickles, near light green (Group 144A), and the length is approximately 10 cm on average.

The flowers are large, the diameter of the open flower is about 11 cm and has classical high-centered shape, and very double.

Upon opening the colour on the upper surface of the petals is cardinal red, or near dark purple red (Group 53A and 53B), while the under surface of the petals is cardinal red, or dark purple red (Group 53A).

When fully open, the colour of the petals on the upper surface is currant red, or dark purple red (Group 46A and 46B), with a smooth aspect. The under surface of the petals have cardinal red, or near dark purple red (Group 53A) suffused with dark purple red (Group 60A).

Closer to the end of the flowering the colour of the petals on the upper surface is currant red, or red (Group 46A and 46B) with a velvety smooth aspect. The under surface of the petals remains cardinal red, or near dark purple red (Group 53A) suffused with dark purple red (Group 60A).

The color of petal base on the upper surface is near dark purple red (Group 46A and 46B) with a velvety aspect. The under surface of the petal’s basal spot is near dark purple red (Group 53A) suffused with dark purple red (Group 60A).

During the colder November weather, on the flowers are common near dark brown dark purple red (Group 187B) colours with light yellow brown (Group 162A) on the edge.

The flowers have excellent lasting quality, they last on a plant approximately 10 days and approximately 12 to 14 days when cut and placed in a vase.

The petals of this variety have a velvety texture. The shape of the petals is rounded base and tip with reflexed edges. The petal margin is smoothly rounded without extensions. The inside petals have a length of approximately 5.5 cm and approximately 6 cm in width on average. The number of petals per flower is approximately 45 on average. After the flowering the petals drop off cleanly.

There are also sometimes a few petaloids present of the flowers, approximately 4 per flower.

The fragrance is absent on flowers of this variety.

Reproductive parts:
There are about 110 stamens per flower.

The anthers have near red pink colour (Group 51C), bordered with medium yellow orange (Group 22B) and approximately 0.3 cm long.

The pollen is present and has yellow colour.

The filaments have near red pink colour (Group 51B) and approximately 0.7 cm in length on average.

The number of pistils per flower is approximately 90 on average.

The stigmas have near medium purple red colour (Group 54A).

The styles are light yellow (Group 11B) and approximately 1 cm in length.

The receptacle has near medium green colour (Group 144A), funnel-shaped in longitudinal section.

The aptitude to bear fruit (hips) is excellent, however, characteristics have not been observed since cut flowers have been primarily produced on plants to date.

The variety is classified as Hybrid tea, has vigorous growth habit. Forms upright, compact, slightly outwardly plant. The mature and well-established plant has height of 80 – 130 cm, and the width is about 60 - 70 cm on average at the end of the growing season.

The new variety is particularly well suited for producing cut flowers under greenhouse growing conditions.

There is a normal quantity of foliage on the plant. Forms attractive, dense and strong vegetation.

The stipules have adnate shape, pectinate, have medium brown green colour (Group 137C), and approximately 3 cm long on average.

The petiole on the upper surface is slightly glandular and the under surface of petioles is with a few prickles. The colour on both sides is near medium brown green (Group 137C) with anthocyanin coloration on new foliage slightly lighter than dark brown (Group 187A).

The number of leaflets on a normal leaf varies from 3, 5 to 7. The leaflets have somewhat ovate shape with an acuminate tip and a rounded base. The edges are serrated, the type of serration is single and regular. The texture is smooth on both surfaces. The general appearance is very dense, dark green, and semi-glossy.

The colour of the young foliage on the upper surface is near dark green (Group 137A) with anthocyanin coloration of near dark brown (Group 187A); the under surface has near medium brown green colour (Group 138B) with anthocyanin coloration of near dark brown (Group 187A). The colour of the adult foliage on the upper surface is near dark green (Group 139A) and on the under surface is near medium brown green (Group 191A).

The colour of the young stems is near medium brown green (Group 147B), the bark is smooth. The adult wood has near dark brown green colour (Group 137B) and the bark is smooth with rough patches.

The prickles of this variety are medium sized, approximately 0.8 cm in length. The quantity of prickles on a normal stem is moderately numerous. Their colour is near medium brown green (Group 146D) on young stems and adult prickles are of a near medium brown green colour (Group 146D). The shape of the prickles is elongated and curved downwards on the upper surface and concave on the under surface.

Disease resistance:
The variety ‘Black Baccara” has very good resistance to powdery mildew and botrytis. The resistance to black spot is average. The resistance or susceptibility to insects had not been tested.

The variety can be grown in a garden in climate zones similar to USDA 6 and warmer, and require winter protection in more colder climates.

Name origin

Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.


As of the date no infarmation available on the awards this rose has recieved. It is also possible that this rose has not gained any awards yet.


The rose variety ‘Meidebenne’ / ‘Black Baccara’ of Rosa hybrida is classified as Hybrid Tea rose. It was created by artificial pollination of two parents, which previously had been studied in the hope that they would contribute the desired characteristics:

The female parent (i.e., the seed parent) was ‘Meifota’ / ‘Celica’ a Hybrid Tea rose from Meilland, 1981.

The male parent (i.e., the pollen parent) was ‘Meilouzou’ / ‘Carte Noire’ a Hybrid Tea rose from Meiiland, 1997.

The seeds resulting from the above pollination were sown and small plants were obtained which were physically and biologically different from each other. Selective study resulted in the identification of a single plant of the variety later called ‘Meidebenne’ / ‘Black Baccara’.

It was found that the new variety of Hybrid Tea rose ‘Meidebenne’ / ‘Black Baccara’ possesses the following combination of characteristics:

(a) exhibits an upright growth habit,

(b) forms strong stems,

(c) forms attractive double very dark red blossoms,

(d) forms dense dark green semi-glossy foliage, and

(e) is particularly well suited for cut flower production under greenhouse growing conditions.

The disease resistance of the new variety is excellent.

The new variety well meets the needs of the horticultural industry and can be used to advantage to form cut flowers indoors.

The rose ‘Meidebenne’ / ‘Black Baccara’ can be easily distinguished from its parental varieties:

‘Meifota’ / ‘Celica’, the female parent has smaller plant and forms medium pink blossoms.

‘Meilouzou’ / ‘Carte Noire’, the male parent displays considerably more thorns and forms external petals that sometimes exhibit burn discoloration.

Climate zones

USDA zone 6 and warmer

Growing tips

roses for full sun areas Sun position: Grows well on full sun.
soil reuirements Preference in type of soils: Grows well on all types of soils.
rose prunning tips Prunning: Requires deadheading after the flowering.


Black spots:




Rain resistance:

Cold hardy:

Heat resistance:

Published Feb. 14, 2024, 7:40 p.m. by Yuri Osadchyi

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