Rose Marchesa Boccella



Registration code:
Breeder: Moreau and Robert
Year of introduction: 1868
Introduced by: Moreau and Robert

Main color: Pink
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Medium to large
Aroma: Intense Old rose aroma
90 - 150 cm / 2' 11" - 4' 11"
100 cm / 3' 3"

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Main color: Pink

Color: Medium pink

Flowering: Repeat flowering

Flower size: Medium to large

Flower: Full, button eye, quatered rosette, in small clusters

Foliage: Dark green, medium, matte, dense

Aroma: Intense Old rose aroma

Class: Portland

Sub-class: Shrub rose, Portland rose

Type: Medium shrub

Growth type: Compact, medium, narrow

Height: 90 - 150 cm / 2' 11" - 4' 11"

Width: 100 cm / 3' 3"


“Jacques Cartier” is a Portland shrub rose that is an old rose of unknown origin. This Portland rose was introduced by Moreau-Robert in 1868 and exhibits a characteristic trait of the Portland class: a very short peduncle that causes the bloom to sit directly atop of the uppermost leaves. Its foliage has a rough texture, dark green colour, and is exceptionally healthy, remaining on the plant until hard frosts.


“Jacques Cartier” is a profusely blooming and incredibly beautiful rose. Its flowers are medium-sized, about 8 - 9 cm (3.5 inches) in diameter, very full (more than 41 petals), and have a quartered rosette form. Rounded pink buds open into clear, medium pink flowers with slightly lighter reverse petals, as the flowers age it is paling a little. The blooms are packed with tiny petals and feature a button eye in the center. In cooler weather, the colour becomes more vibrant, and in autumn, the rose takes on an even brighter pink shades. The colour may also vary depending on climate and growing conditions.

This rose is well-suited to rainy weather, as its petals are arranged in a way that allows raindrops to roll off easily. Blooms appear in dense clusters of up to five, creating a beautiful and romantic floral display. It flowers abundantly and repeatedly throughout the season. Removing spent blooms helps speed up the next wave of flowering.

Growth Habit
“Jacques Cartier” forms a narrow, compact plant up to about 150 cm (5 feet) tall with an upright habit, making it especially appealing for small gardens. However, it may take four to five years to fully develop into a beautiful rose bush. It combines well with other plants and is suitable for growing in pots and containers. In warmer climates, it can grow taller. The variety is ideal for both individual and group plantings. For group plantings, it is recommended to plant three plants per square meter.

“Jacques Cartier” blooms in flushes throughout the late spring or early summer depending on the climate. The pruning is recommended to conduct after the flowering by shortening each flowering stem by about 20 cm, simultaneously forming the shape of the plant. The same applies to spring pruning - shape the rose harmoniously and remove dead or old wood.

“Jacques Cartier” is highly resistant to common rose diseases such as powdery mildew, rust, and black spot. Even if these diseases appear on neighboring plants, this rose remains healthy for long periods, making it an excellent choice for beginners.

Magnificent Old Rose

“Jacques Cartier” embodies everything rose enthusiasts admire about old roses: exceptional health, lush quartered blooms, a button eye at the center, a magnificent fragrance, and excellent winter hardiness.

Name origin

Named after the French navigator and discoverer Jacques Cartie, the French explorer and navigator who began exploring eastern Canada in 1534.

“Jacques Cartier” is a Portland shrub rose also known under the names "Marchesa Boccela" or "Marquise Boccella." There has long been confusion surrounding the name of this rose. Some believe it refers to the same plant, while others argue they are two distinct varieties. One is said to have been bred by Moreau-Robert, France in 1868, and the other by Jean Desprez, France)in 1842. The gardening classifications, color, size, and vigor described in the literature are insufficient to determine whether Marchesa Boccela or Jacques Cartier is the correct name for the rose we grow today. This confusion has persisted for so long that the mystery may never be resolved.


Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Dallas Rose Society Show, 1998;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Delaware RS Show, 1998;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Mountain State Rose Society Show, 1998;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), New Orleans RS Show, 1998;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Redwood Empire Rose Society Show, 1998;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Cleveland & Northeastern Ohio Rose Society Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Colonial/Penn-Jersey Joint District Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Dixie Rose Club Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), East Bay Rose Society Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), East County Rose Society Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Grand Valley Rose Society (Michigan) Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Houston Rose Society Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Linn County Rose Society Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Mount Diablo Rose Society Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), National Rose Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Tidewater Rose Society Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), West Pasco Rose Society Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Princess (ARS), Western Reserve Rose Society Show, 1999;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Albuquerque Rose Society Show, 2000;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Fort Vancouver Rose Society Show, 2000;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Olympia Rose Society Show and Pacific Northwest District Show, 2000;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Pacific Southwest District Show, 2000;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Santa Clara County Rose Society Show, 2000;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), South Coast Rose Society Show, 2000;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Warren Rose Society Show, 2000;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Western Reserve Rose Society Show, 2000;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Albuquerque Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Arapahoe Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Augusta Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Chesapeake & Delaware Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Del-Chester Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Des Moines Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Garden Club of Marion Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Great Lakes District Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Greensboro Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Huntington Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Lincoln Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Linn County Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Southampton Rose Society Show, 2001;

Dowager Rose Queen (ARS), Tenarky District Show, 2001;

Dowager Queen (ARS), Dowager Queen (ARS), 2022;


The parentage of this rose is not known.

Climate zones

USDA 4 and warmer

Growing tips

roses for semi-shade Sun position: Prefers to have some shade in the hottest hours.
soil reuirements Preference in type of soils: Grows well on all types of soils.
rose prunning tips Prunning: Pruned when the rose finished the flowering period.


Black spots:




Rain resistance:

Cold hardy:

Heat resistance:

Published Dec. 5, 2024, 5:37 p.m. by Vita Zakhariuk
