
Roses ABC is dedicated to ensuring maximum accessibility and usability of our website Roses ABC. We are actively working to enhance the accessibility and usability of our website to meet the Double-A level of accessibility defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).


The following guidelines which can assist in navigating websites on the internet:


Although we have taken significant measures to ensure our website is accessible, there may still be certain areas and features that present challenges. The identified areas are listed below: (to be provided later)


We have made efforts to communicate information clearly and concisely. However, in certain instances, due to the technical nature of the content, a reasonable level of technical understanding may be required.

Contact us

Regarding accessibility: Although we have taken extensive measures to ensure our website is accessible, certain sections and functionalities may present challenges. We have compiled a list of these areas for your reference.

Regarding communication: Whenever feasible, we have made concerted efforts to convey information in a clear and straightforward manner. However, there might be instances where a moderate level of technical comprehension is required due to the technical nature of the content.

If you require assistance using our website or would like to report an area you are finding inaccessible, please contact us by phone at 00 000 0000, email at or use our Contact form. To help us understand the difficulty you are facing, it would be helpful if you could provide the information advised in 'Contacting Organisation about Inaccessible Websites' from the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).