Rose Piano
Other names: Piano, Mistinguett, Nelson College
Main color: Red
Color: Rich red
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Medium
Flower: Very full, globular, cupped, in small clusters
Foliage: Dark reddish-green, medium, glossy, leathery
Aroma: None
Class: Hybrid Tea
Sub-class: Hybrid Tea
Type: Nostalgic Hybrid Tea
Growth type: Upright, outwardly
Height: 100 – 130 cm / 3' 3" - 4' 3"
Width: 50 - 80 cm / 1' 8" - 2' 7"
Rich red Nostalgic hybrid tea rose with a special flair. The large flowers are a brilliant shade of red. Their shape starts off globular before turning cup-shaped with the popular nostalgic flowers twist. The dark reddish-green, very glossy foliage is exceptionally healthy, the long-stemmed flowers are particularly well suited for cut flowers. ‘Piano’ has a very long flowering period, right until the frosts.
Observations made Nov. 2, 2007, from plants that were three years in age, growing in a garden environment at Uetersen, Germany.
Blooming habit: Continuous.
Flower bud:
The flower bud is about 3.1 cm long and 4 cm in diameter when the petals start to unfurl, the form is globular. When sepals first divide, bud color is dark purple red (RHS 46A). When half blown, the upper sides of the petals are dark red (RHS 46B). The lower sides of the petals are red pink (RHS 46D).
Sepals on the upper surface are red pink (RHS 46D), the lower surface is dark purple red (RHS 46A). Length is 3.8 cm and the width is 4.0 cm; have circular shape and smooth surface. There are three lightly appendaged sepals. There are two unappendaged sepals with smooth edges.
Receptacle are light green (RHS 144A), shape is pear, they are broad, about 1.3 cm long and 1.0 cm in width, surface is smooth.
Peduncle’s length averaging about 4.8 cm, diameter is about 0.3 cm; the surface is smooth; the colour is medium brown green (RHS 146D). Strength: Erect.
The flowers are medium, with average open diameter is about 5.8 cm. Borne is small clusters of 3–4 blooms having a rounded shape.
Stems strength is normal; the average length is about 45 cm with a diameter of 0.3 cm. Color of younger stems is dark green (RHS 141B). Color of older (woody) stems is dark green-brown (RHS 152A).
When first open the flowers have globular shape, which retains its form to the end. Only sometimes opening to a cup-shaped form closer to the end the flowering. Number of petals under normal conditions: 91 (very full). The upper sides of the petals are red pink (RHS 53D). The reverse sides of the petals are red (RHS 53B). The base of the petals has a little bright spot, light red pink (RHS 36D). The major color on the upper sides is red pink (RHS 46D). Variegations - absent.
Flowers have no fragrance.
Petals have thin structure, about 3.6 cm in width and 4.9 cm long, the surface texture is smooth. The have round shape, smooth margin; the apex and the base shape is rounded, edges are slightly quilled. Petal’s arrangement irregular.
The number of petaloids is 16 in average, they have same colour as petals.
Petals drop off cleanly before drying.
Flowers last on the plant for quite long - about 16 days and about 10 days as a cut flower.
Reproductive parts:
Stamens - no stamens visible, probably most stamens turned to petals.
Pistils – number in average is 33, the length is 0.6 cm.
Styles are orange-red (RHS 25A), have length of 0.5 cm.
Stigmas are yellow, 0.1 cm long.
During the observations the hips production not observed.
Forms upright, slightly outwardy bush. The growth strength is medium. Mature plant’s height is about 100 - 130 cm and the width is about 50-90 cm.
Number of leaflets on normal mid-stem leaves: 7. They are medium sized, about 12 cm long and 8.1 cm wide. Quantity is normal. New foliage has dark green colour (RHS 141A) on the upper side and the medium brown green colour (RHS 137D) on the lower side. Old foliage has dark green colour (RHS 141A) on the upper side and the medium brown green colour (RHS 137D) on the lower side.
They are about 5.4 cm long and 3.5 cm wide, shape is pointed, base shape is oval and the apex shape is pointed. Leaflets have leathery texture with serrated edges, the serration is single.
Petiole have medium brown green colour (RHS 137D).
Petiole rachis is medium brown green (RHS 137C) with prickles about 0.2 cm on the underside.
Auricles are pointed.
Stipules have length of about 0.8 cm, serrated.
Vein color is light green (RHS 139D); venation pattern - pyramidal.
In overall ‘Piano’ is resistant to rust, mildew and blackspot under normal growing conditions. Has also very good resistance to fungal diseases.
New wood has dark brown green colour (RHS 146A), the bark is smooth. The old wood’s colour is medium brown (RHS 174A), the bark is rough.
Quantity of prickles is ordinary, on main canes from base: 24 per 15 cm of wood. They are hooked downward and have average length of 0.9 cm. Color when young is medium brown (RHS 174B); colour when mature is medium brown (RHS 174B).
Small prickles:
Quantity on main stalks - few. Have dark brown green colour (RHS 137A) when young; and medium brown colour (RHS 174A), when mature.
Name origin
Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.
Rose Series
‘Piano’ / ‘TAN01360’ originated by crossing the variety ‘RT98097’ (seed parent), with the variety ‘Mein München’ (pollen parent) by Anne G. Cocker, 1987.
The primary objective of this breeding was to produce a new rose variety having large, ball shaped, bright red flowers and healthy foliage.
The objective was substantially achieved, along with other desirable improvements, as evidenced by the following unique combination of characteristics that are outstanding in the new variety and that distinguish it from its parents, as well as from all other varieties:
1. Very nice ball shaped flowers.
2. Bright red flower.
3. Healthy foliage.
This new variety is a good garden rose variety for private gardens, parks and landscaping.
Asexual reproduction of this new variety by grafting, as performed at Uetersen, Germany, shows that the foregoing characteristics and distinctions come true to form and are established and transmitted through succeeding propagations.
Comparison with Parents
The new variety ‘TAN01360’ differs from the seed parent, RT98097, in classification, (‘TAN01360’ is classified as a floribunda grandiflora / nostalgic hybrid tea while RT98097 is classified as a hybrid tea). The pollen parent has a yellow-orange flower color.
Comparison with Similar Variety
‘TAN01360’ differs from ‘Meiangle’ / ‘Red Leonardo da Vinci’ in plant height (100–130 cm tall for ‘TAN01360’ versus 40–60 cm tall for ‘Meiangele’ / ‘Red Leonardo da Vinci’).
Climate zones
USDA zone 6 and warmer
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Black spots:
Rain resistance:
Cold hardy:
Heat resistance:
Published Sept. 22, 2023, 8:22 a.m. by Yuri Osadchyi