Rose Grimpant Clair Matin



Other names: Clair Matin

Registration code: Meimont
Breeder: Marie-Louise (Louisette) Meilland (Paolino)
Year of introduction: 1960
Introduced by: Meilland International SA

Main color: Pink
Flowering: Continious
Flower size: Medium
Aroma: Moderate, sweet fruity
200 - 350 cm / 6' 7" - 11' 6"
120 - 150 cm / 3' 11" - 4' 11"

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Main color: Pink

Color: Soft pink, with age has cream shading

Flowering: Continious

Flower size: Medium

Flower: Semi-double, cupped, cupped-to-flat, in small clusters

Foliage: Dark green, large, matte, leathery

Aroma: Moderate, sweet fruity

Class: Climbing rose

Sub-class: Floribunda climbing rose

Type: Climbing rose

Growth type: Bushy, climbing, spreading

Height: 200 - 350 cm / 6' 7" - 11' 6"

Width: 120 - 150 cm / 3' 11" - 4' 11"


A stunning climbing Floribunda rose that blooms profusely from early May until the first frosts. It forms a large, well-branched plant, reaching a height of 200–365 cm and a width of 120–150 cm. The medium-sized (6–8 cm), semi-double (9–15 petals), cup-shaped flowers are a delicate soft pink with salmon tones that deepen as the blooms age. The inner wavy petals, with a cream hue, frame a cluster of bright golden stamens.

The flowers appear in small clusters of 3–7 and are complemented by pointed buds that open almost simultaneously and last for an extended period. The rose has a moderate sweet-fruity fragrance with subtle rosehip undertones. It blooms in flushes nearly continuously until late autumn.

This rose responds exceptionally well to good care, feeding, and preventive spraying. It is resistant to diseases when planted in an appropriate location and features healthy, dark green, leathery foliage. It tolerates partial shade and poor soils, making it versatile for various garden uses. In landscape design, it can be trained as a large shrub or used for vertical landscaping, such as adorning small architectural structures. When fully mature, with a height of up to 3.5 m, the plant becomes a breathtaking spectacle, with flowers covering it almost entirely during peak bloom.

Pruning Tips:

Remove faded flowers to encourage repeat blooms.

Prune lightly during the first two years until the rose is established.

After establishment, cut back the shoots to about one-third of their length to promote good branching.

Disease Resistance:

  • Black spot: 2+ out of 3
  • Powdery mildew: 2+ out of 3
  • The flowers are also rain-resistant.

Winter hardiness (USDA Zone 6b–9b) to (−20 °C) requires conventional rose winter protection.

Name origin

"Clair Matin" in translation from French means "Clear Morning".


Bagatelle (Paris) Médaille d'Or, Bagatelle (Paris) Rose Trials, 1960;

Climber (ARS), Bradenton-Sarasota Rose Society Show, 1998;

Climber (ARS), Augusta Rose Society Show, 1999;

Climber (ARS), Charleston Low Country Rose Society Show, 1999;

Climber (ARS), Illinois/Indiana District Show, 1999;

Climber (ARS), Marion County Rose Society Show, 1999;

Climber (ARS), Northeastern Illinois Rose Society Show, 1999;

Climber (ARS), Tenarky District Show, 1999;

Climber (ARS), Cleveland County Rose Society Show, 2000;

Climber (ARS), Mid-Hudson Rose Society Show, 2000;

Climber (ARS), Pikes Peak Rose Society Show, 2000;

Climber (ARS), Rowan Rose Society Show, 2000;

Climber (ARS), ARS Fall National Show, 2001;

Climber (ARS), Charlotte Rose Society Show, 2001;

Climber (ARS), Combined Chicagoland Rose Society Show, 2001;

Climber (ARS), Fox River Valley Rose Society Show, 2001;

Climber (ARS), Gateway Rose Society Show, 2001;

Climber (ARS), Patrick Henry Rose Society Show, 2001;

Climber (ARS), Tampa Rose Society Show, 2001;

Climber (ARS),Tenarky District Show, 2001;


Rose variety ‘Clair Matin' originated by crossing:

 Seed parent - Floribunda rose ‘Fashion’ by Boerner, 1947;

 Pollen parent - unnamed and unpatented seedling of the following origin:

  [ Floribunda rose 'Kordes' Sondermeldung' / ‘Independence’ × Polyantha rose ‘Orange Triumph’] × Polyantha rose ‘Phyllis Bide’ by Bide, 1923;

Therefore the parentage of this rose can be summarized by the following formula:

  Floribunda rose ‘Fashion’ by Boerner, 1947 × [[ Floribunda rose 'Kordes' Sondermeldung' / ‘Independence’ × Polyantha rose ‘Orange Triumph’] × Polyantha rose ‘Phyllis Bide’ by Bide, 1923];

Climate zones

USDA 6 and warmer

Growing tips

soil reuirements Preference in type of soils: Grows well on all types of soils.
rose prunning tips Prunning: Requires deadheading after the flowering.


Black spots:




Rain resistance:

Cold hardy:

Heat resistance:

Published Nov. 15, 2024, 7:04 p.m. by Галина Микитинець
