Rose Michelangelo

Tags: healthy



Registration code: Meitelov
Breeder: Alain Meilland
Year of introduction: 1998
Introduced by: Meilland International SA

Main color: Yellow
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Large
Aroma: Medium, sweet with lemon notes
100 - 150 cm / 3' 3" - 4' 11"
50 - 70 cm / 1' 8" - 2' 4"

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Main color: Yellow

Color: Yellow

Flowering: Repeat flowering

Flower size: Large

Flower: Full, cupped, mostly solitary

Foliage: Medium green, large, semi-glossy, leathery

Aroma: Medium, sweet with lemon notes

Class: Hybrid Tea

Sub-class: Hybrid Tea

Type: Hybrid Tea

Growth type: Upright, bushy

Height: 100 - 150 cm / 3' 3" - 4' 11"

Width: 50 - 70 cm / 1' 8" - 2' 4"


Classic full flowers of most pleasant golden yellow colour, powered with medium sweet aroma with notes of lemon. These blooms borne singly showcase an old-fashioned Hybrid Tea charm. The robust stems of make it well-suited for cutting. Rose has strong, upright habit, making it suitable for both standalone plantings and mixed beds.

The chart used in the identification of the colors is that of The Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S. Colour Chart) or in ordinary dictionary meaning.

Blooms consistently and in abundance throughout an extended period, spanning from late spring to late autumn.

Flower bud:
The flower buds have conical shape and are large, approximately 3.5 cm (1.4 inches) long on average. The colour of the bud upon opening on the upper surface and on the under surface is lemon yellow, or near medium yellow orange (Group 14C), and widely suffused with dark yellow (Group 14B). The flower buds appear on the plant singly or in a small clusters, up to 3 flowers per stem.

The peduncle is rigid, medium in thickness, with an average length of about 4 cm (1.6 inches) and medium green colour (Group 144A).

The sepals on the upper surface are tomentose and near medium brown green (Group 138A and 138B); on the under surface are medium green (Group 143A) with weak extensions on 3 of the sepals.

The flowers upon opening have cupped shape, the diameter of the open flower is about 11 to 13 cm (4.5 – 5 inches).

When the flower just starts to open the upper and the under surface of the flower is lemon yellow or medium yellow orange (Group 14C), and widely suffused with dark yellow (Group 14B).

The colour does not change as the flower fully opens and remains on the upper and on the under surface lemon yellow or medium yellow orange (Group 14C) and widely suffused with dark yellow (Group 14B).

Closer to the end of the flowering the colour fades on the upper and under surfaces to medium yellow (Group 8A) and suffused with darker shade of medium yellow (Group 8B).

Flowers have good lasting quality and as a cut flower, about 7 – 10 days under normal growing conditions.

The petals are wedge-shaped, have smooth and thick texture. The number of petals is about 45 on average, they are arranged in a crumpled cup at the center, like old roses.

The petaloids are not observed on the flowers.

Petals dry and drop off cleanly.

Has moderate, sweet fragrance with rosy and spicy notes with a touch of honey.

Reproductive parts:
The number of stamens per flower is 62 on average.

The anthers have medium yellow orange colour (Group 21C).

Filaments are medium yellow orange (Group 21A).

There are about 75 pistils per flower.

Stigmas have medium orange colour (Group 26A).

The number of styles is approximately 75 on average per flower.

The receptacle is pitcher-shaped in longitudinal section and has medium green colour (Group 143A).

The hips are pitcher-shaped in longitudinal section.

This variety is classified as a Hybrid Tea rose. Has vigorous, erect and bushy growth habit. The mature plant forms a tall plant, about 120 to 150 cm at the end of the growing season on average, and the width of the plant is about 50 – 70 cm.

Can be planted alone, in groups or in clumps, alone or combined with other rose bushes in yellow tones and perennial plants in blue tones, for example. Given its hardiness, it can be suitable for planting in large pots and thus decorates patios, paved courtyards, terraces, and large balconies.

Forms very dense and healthy foliage. The number of leaflets on the leaf can vary in number from 3 to 5 (most often), and to 7.

The stipules are adnate, pectinate, and rather broad.

Petioles on the upper surface have dark green colour (Group 131A), while the colour of the under surface is medium brown green (Group 138B).

The leaflets have oval shape and obtuse at the base. The type of serration is regular and single. The leaflets have consistent texture, they are very dense, dark green, and semi-dull.

The colour of the young foliage on the upper surface is dark green (Group 131A) and the colour of the under surface of the leaf is lighter green, but still dark green (Group 137A). The colour of the adult foliage is same on the upper surface - dark green (Group 131A) and lighter dark green (Group 137A) on the under surface.

When the wood is young it has medium green colour (Group 143A) and smooth texture. The adult wood is dark green (Group 137A).

The prickles of this variety are large and strong, have a concave shape. The quantity of prickles is moderately numerous. They are pale green on young stems and tan on adult wood.

Disease resistance:
The variety showed very good resistance to most roses diseases in normal growing conditions. Pest resistance – not tested.

Has good resistance to rain and heat.

Name origin

This luminous rose honors the sculptor, painter, architect and poet of the Italian High Renaissance. His real name is Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (Caprese, March 6, 1475 - Rome, February 18, 1564), known in French as Michel-Ange, we owe him masterpieces of the Renaissance, the best known of which are the David (in Florence), La Pietà (in St Peter's Basilica in Rome) and the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

Rose Series



Gold Medal Monza 1997, Paris Bagatelle Certificate 1997.

Rose de Cristal Orléans 2000.

Perfume Prize and The Hague Certificate 2001


The variety of Rosa hybrida Hybrid Tea ‘Meitelov’ was created by artificial pollination wherein two parents were crossed which previously had been studied in the hope that they would contribute the desired characteristics.

The female parent (i.e., the seed parent) is unnamed variety which was formed by crossing the ‘Meidragelac’ / ‘Laura’ by Marie-Louise Meilland, 1981 and the variety ‘Meikinosi’ / ‘Parador’ by Francesco Giacomo Paolino, 1978.

The male parent (i.e., the pollen parent) was the ‘Korbelma’ / ‘Helmut Schmidt’ by Reimer Kordes, 1981.

The parentage of the new variety can be summarized as follows:



The seeds resulting from the above pollination were sown and small plants were obtained which were physically and biologically different from each other. Selective study resulted in the identification of a single plant of the new variety ‘Meitelov’.

It was found that ‘Meitelov’ variety possesses the following combination of characteristics:

  1. Exhibits strong, vigorous, and erect growth habit,

  2. Abundantly forms over substantially the entire season attractive large full yellow flowers with medium sweet fragrance,

  3. Forms decorative dark green, semi-glossy foliage that contrasts well with its yellow blossoms, and

  4. Has excellent disease resistance and well suited for growing in the landscape.

The ‘Meitelov’ variety has been found to undergo asexual propagation in France by a number of routes, including budding, grafting, and cuttage. Asexual propagation by the above-mentioned techniques in France has shown that the characteristics of the ‘Meitelov’ variety are stable and are strictly transmissible by such asexual propagation from one generation to another.

Climate zones

Growing tips

roses for full sun areas Sun position: Grows well on full sun.
soil reuirements Preference in type of soils: Grows well on all types of soils.
rose prunning tips Prunning: Requires deadheading after the flowering.


Black spots:




Rain resistance:

Cold hardy:

Heat resistance:

Published Nov. 26, 2023, 4:20 a.m. by Yuri Osadchyi
