Rose English Garden
Main color: Apricot
Color: Apricot-yellow
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Large
Flower: Full , cupped-to-flat, quartered rosette , in small clusters
Foliage: Dark green , large , semi-glossy , leathery
Aroma: Light, Tea
Class: Shrub rose
Sub-class: English shrub rose, Shrub rose
Type: Medium shrub
Growth type: Bushy, compact, upright
Height: 90 cm
Width: 90 cm
Orange-yellow buds open to flat, challow cupped at first, pale yellow flowers that have deeper shades of cream, apricot, pink and yellow closer to the center. The shape quickly changes to a perfectly formed flat rosette, with numerous small petals forming an almost perfect example of an Old Rose.
The following detailed description of the rose variety ‘English Garden’ is provided with color descriptions using terminology of the "Methuen Handbook of Colour" published by Eyre Methuen Ltd. (1963), except where ordinary dictionary significance of color is indicated.
This rose variety has a recurrent flowering habit, almost continuous. Blooms in flushes with short breaks from summer until frosts.
Flower bud:
The bud is medium sized, about 3 cm in length on average, has an oval and pointed shape. When the bud starts to open the colour of the petals on the upper surface is very deep Yellow, (Group 1 A8) at base merging to reddish yellow (Group 4 A7) at outside; the under surface of the petals is very deep yellow merging to very deep red (Group 9 C7). The flower buds appear on a plant in small clusters, normally from 3 to 5.
The sepals are finely hairy on the upper surface and are with glandular hairs along the central vein or finely hairy at edges, with 0-3 narrow lobes on the under surface. The colour of the sepals is light green.
The receptacle has pale green colour with pale yellow ridge, the shape is moderately deep cupped.
The peduncle is straight, rigid, medium green and sparsely glandular aciculas. The length of the peduncle is 8 cm on average.
The flowers of “English Garden’ are large, the average diameter of the open flower is 9 - 13 cm. The shape of the flowers is slightly quartered and flattish rosette. They are very full, the average number of petals is 76 under normal growing conditions. When well grown there are few English Roses that can match the flowers of this rose variety for symmetry of form.
When opening the upper sides of the petals have deep yellow colour (Group 3 A8) transitioning to pale yellow closer to the edges (Group 2 A2); the under sides of the petals are deep yellow (Group 3 A8) transitioning to very deep yellow closer to the edges (Group 2 A2).
When fully open the outer petals on the upper surface are deep yellow (Group 3 A6) transitioning to very pale yellow closer to the edges (Group 3 A2); the unser surface of the outer petals is yellow (Group 3 A6) transitioning to very pale yellow/cream closer to the edges (Group 3 A2). The inner petals on the upper surface is yellow (Group 3A7), transitioning to pale yellow closer to the edges (Group 2 A3) while the under surface of the inner petals has yellow colour (Group 3 A7) transitioning to pale yellow closer to the edges (Group 2 A3).
When finishing blooming the flowers on the upper surface are deep yellow 2 A8 at base turning to pale yellow to the edges (Group 2 A3), and on the under surface the petals have mostly the same colour, fading to cream closer to the edges.
The colour and the form of the flowers of “English Garden” can change from season to season. In some seasons one can find more pink than yellow, especially in the spring, The yellow tones tend to dominate in summer. Many tend to confuse this rose due to its changing nature.
The texture of the petals is smooth and silky. The petals of this rose variety have good self-cleaning quality, they normally drop off cleanly before drying. Under normal climate conditions the petals last fairly long, on the plant they last for about 5 days, as a cut flower they also last for about 5 days. Ih hot climate they fade rather quickly - within 2 - 3 days.
The fragrance is light, with Tea character.
Reproductive parts:
The number of stamens is 71 on average per flower. The anthers have golden yellow. The colour of the filaments is also golden yellow and they are of the regular heights.
The number of pistils is 56 on average. Stigma has a straw colour. The styles are white and of the regular length.
This variety does not produce seeds in all gardening conditions, only when cross-pollinated.
The rose variety ‘English Garden’ is classified as a Shrub rose and is a part of David Austin’s English Shrub roses collection. The growth habit of this rose variety is vigorous and strong, forming upright, compact and bushy plants. This habit, if not ideal for the border, makes it suitable for a rose bed. Mature and well-established plant has a height of about 90 cm (3 feet) and the width of about 90 cm (3 feet).
This rose variety is one of the most compact and low growing English roses, which makes it a perfect choice for small gardens, where overgrowing roses are not really desirable. If there is enough space and to get mass flowering can be planted in groups of 3 to 5 plants together. Its strong and upright branches make her a perfect choice for cut flowers and garden decoration.
The foliage is abundant, the general appearance is dense and matt to semi-glossy. There are usually 5 leaflets on a normal mid stem leaves, only most commonly 3 leaflets are present at the base of inflorescence.
The colour of the young foliage on the upper side is deep green (Group 30 E8), tinged with red; the underside is reddish-green. The mature foliage on the upper surface is dark green (Group 29 F8) and the under surface has grayish-green colour (Group 29 E6).
The leaflets are large, have ovate shape, the edges are serrated, the type of serration is dentate. The surface texture of the leaflets is smooth and leathery.
The stipules are medium sized, have glandular surface texture with hairy edges. The colour of the stipules is medium to light green.
The petiole on the upper side are grooved medium green, on the underside there are occasional rounded medium thorns and the surface is glandular and hairy.
The new wood of ‘English Garden’ has geep colour (Group 29 E8) and the bark is smooth. The mature wood is deep green (Group 30 E8), the bark remains smooth.
There are few prickles present on the canes from base and on the laterals from main canes. The shape of the prickles is slightly hooked downward. The colour of the young prickles is reddish; the mature prickles have dark brown colour.
Small prickles:
The small prickles are not observed on the main canes as well as on the laterals from the main canes of this rose variety.
Disease resistance:
The rose variety ‘English Garden’ has good resistance to most common rose diseases. However in more colder climates it is prone to black spot and mildew, and in some regions it is reported that it can be prone to rust. Pest resistance has not been tested yet.
The cold hardiness is not as hardy as many could expect, it shows in general good winter hardiness in climate zones similar to USDA 6 and warmer.
Name origin
Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.
Rose Series
English Shrub Roses
Modern Shrub Rose, Rogue Valley Rose Society Show, 1998;
Modern Shrub Rose, Gainesville Rose Society Show, 1999;
Modern Shrub Rose, Marion County Rose Society Show, 1999;
Shrub (ARS), Jersey Shore Rose Society Show, 1999;
Shrub (ARS), San Antonio Rose Society Show, 1999;
Shrub (ARS), Forest City Rose Society Show, 2000;
Modern Shrub Rose, Tropical Rose Society Show, 2001;
Rose variety ‘Ausbuff’ / ‘English Garden’ originated by David Austin by crossing two parents an unnamed, unpatented rose seedlings of the following parentage:
The Female parent (seed parent) originated from cross pollination of the seed parent ‘Ausli’ / ‘Lilian Austin’ with the pollen parent, an unnamed and unpatented rose seedling.
The male parent (pollen parent) originated from cross pollination of the seed parent ‘KORbin’ / ‘Iceberg’ with the pollen parent rose variety ‘Ausbath’ / ‘Wife of Bath’.
Therefore the parentage of this rose is therefore expressed by the following formula:
[‘Ausli’ / ‘Lilian Austin’ x unnamed seedling] x [‘KORbin’ / ‘Iceberg’ x ‘Ausbath’ / ‘Wife of Bath’].
The primary objective of this rose variety breeding was to create a new rose variety with full, soft apricot-yellow flowers with abundant and continual blooming and the unusual blend of coloring and shape of the flowers.
Primary features of this rose variety is distinctive in its character by its full, soft apricot yellow flowers with abundant, continual blooming and the unusual blend of coloring and shaping of the flower.
Asexual reproduction of this variety by budding showed that the foregoing and all other characteristics and distinctions came true to form, established and transmitted through the succeeding propagations.
Climate zones
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Black spots:
Rain resistance:
Cold hardy:
Heat resistance:
Published Aug. 29, 2024, 11:33 a.m. by rosesabc_admin
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