Rose Dolce Vita+
Other names: Dolce Vita+
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Main color: White
Color: White with magenta edges
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Large
Flower: Very full, high-centered, mostly solitary
Foliage: Medium green, large, semi-glossy, leathery
Aroma: Mild to none
Class: Hybrid Tea
Sub-class: Florists rose
Type: Hybrid Tea
Growth type: Compact, narrow
Height: 60 - 100 cm / 1' 12" - 3' 3"
Width: 50 - 60 cm / 1' 8" - 1' 12"
Florists variety of Hybrid tea rose which was a best seller among the cut roses on early 2000s. Blooms very slowly, keeping its shape very well and rarely fully opens.
A vibrant pink heart that stands out amidst pure white petals characterizes Dolce Vita+. This rose commemorates the joyous aspects of life with an Italian touch and a matching temperament. Lex Voorn, expressing a fondness for drama, envisions this rose as a potential star in a Fellini film if he had a say.
Name origin
Named after the iconic film "La Dolce Vita," Dolce Vita+ is deemed exquisite enough to rival the beauty of Anita Ekberg herself.
This rose’s parent is Florists rose ‘Timeless’ by A.A. Pouw/ De Ruiter, and the pollen was taken from Hybrid Tea rose ‘Noblesse’ by Evers/Tantau Rosen, 1989.
Climate zones
USDA zone 6 and warmer
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Black spots:
Rain resistance:
Cold hardy:
Heat resistance:
Published Aug. 12, 2023, 10:51 a.m. by Yuri Osadchyi