Rose Caraluna
Main color: Orange
Color: Orange-apricot
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Large
Flower: Very full, cupped rosette, mostly solitary
Foliage: Bronze-green, medium, semi-glossy, leathery
Aroma: None
Class: Hybrid Tea
Sub-class: Florists rose
Type: Florists rose
Growth type: Upright, compact
Height: 60 - 80 cm / 1' 12" - 2' 7"
Width: 40 - 50 cm / 1' 4" - 1' 8"
Bright example of the new generation of the Florists roses with exceptional and original very full orange flowers. They start from bright-orange large blooms that open into large, very full orange flowers that very slowly unfold their ruffled petals and slowly changing the colour to much lighter pale peach or apricot.
Has recurrent blooming habit, able to produce flowers regularly all year round in greenhouses conditions.
Flower bud:
The flower buds are large, rounded. The bud colour is orange red when the sepals starts to open. When half open the bud colour is orange transitioning to orange red closer to the edges of the petals. The flower buds born mostly singly or in small clusters of 2 to 3.
The sepals have medium green colour with purple red intonations on the underside of the sepals. There are 3 appendaged sepals with small extensions and 2 unappendaged sepals with smooth edges.
The flowers are large, the average diameter of the open flower is about 12 – 13 cm (5 inches). The flower is very full, very tightly stuffed with petals. The flower shape is quite complex, the best is characterized as a cupped rosette. Flower form persist during the life of the flower. Under stressful environmental conditions the flowers have a tendency for proliferation, when in the center of the flower appear undeveloped flower buds which creates so called ‘green-eye’.
The colour of the flowers upon opening is orange with darker edges, which can vary from red-orange to crimson red, depending on the weather conditions. Flowers open very slowly, about 3 to 5 days. During the opening the colours also dramatically change. The colour transition may differ from season to season and from weather conditions, but generally colour become lighter, fading to apricot, peach or cream with darker color of the very margins of the petals.
The flowers have excellent lasting qualities, persisting on the plant for about 10 to 14 days and as a cut flower for a fairly long period of 8 to 12 days. The petals hang on and dry, which is why timely deadheading is obligatory in garden growing conditions.
The variety ‘Caraluna’ has no fragrance.
The growth habit is strong and moderately vigorous. Forms upright, compact, and narrow plant. The mature and well-established rose has a height of about 60 - 80 cm, and the width of about 40 – 50 cm.
There are normal quantity of foliage on a plant. The foliage has alternate arrangement, compound with about 3 to 5 leaflets. The leaves are medium sized and semi-glossy, the edges are serrated, the type of serration is single and medium. The young foliage has red purple colour and the mature leaves have bronze green colour.
The quantity of prickles on the main canes and on the laterals from the main canes is few.
Small prickles:
The small prickles are not observed on this variety.
Disease resistance:
The variety is primarily bred for growing in greenhouse conditions and for cut flower production, therefore in garden conditions the variety has moderate resistance to pathogens and pests common to roses.
The rose variety ‘Caraluna’ is suitable for growing in a garden condition similar to USDA zone 7 and warmer, in colder climates requires winter protection. The variety has very good resistance to heat.
Name origin
Unfortunately we do not have information about the origin of the name of this rose.
Information about the parantage of this rose is not available or commecrically protected.
Climate zones
USDA zone 7 and warmer
Gardening design tips
Growing tips
Black spots:
Rain resistance:
Cold hardy:
Heat resistance:
Published Jan. 7, 2024, 7:49 p.m. by Yuri Osadchyi