Rose Black Gold



Registration code: Meirysett
Breeder: Alain Meilland
Year of introduction: 2008
Introduced by: Meilland International SA

Main color: Bicolor (Red/Yellow)
Flowering: Repeat flowering
Flower size: Large
Type: Hybrid Tea
Aroma: Light to none
90 - 170 cm, 60 - 90 cm

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Main color: Bicolor (Red/Yellow)

Color: Deep greyed-purple with ocher yellow reverse

Flowering: Repeat flowering

Flower size: Large

Flower: Very double , cupped, high-centered , mostly solitary

Foliage: Dark green , large , glossy , leathery

Aroma: Light to none

Class: Hybrid Tea

Sub-class: Hybrid Tea

Type: Hybrid Tea

Growth type: Outwardly, upright

Height: 90 - 170 cm

Width: 60 - 90 cm


Very recognizable and distinctly coloured Hybrid Tea rose. Abundantly forms attractive blossoms that are deep greyed-purple on the upper surface and ocher yellow on the under surface. Its ultra-graphic two-tone flowers, it breaks the codes and brings a contemporary look to the garden. A sure bet for all lovers of original and assertive compositions.


The description of this rose variety is provided using the identification of the colors is that of The Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S. Colour Chart), London, England. Common color terms are to be accorded their customary dictionary significance.


The flowering of this rose variety is very abundant and substantially continuous. Blooms in flushes, with very short breaks, from early summer until frosts. Starts to bloom in the middle of the season.

Flower bud:

The flower buds have elongated shape, they are medium sized, have a length of approximately 2 cm on average and the width os approximately 1.8 cm on average at the widest point. As the petals start to unfold the upper surface of the petals has near dark brown purple colour (Group 183A) as the calyx breaks and the under surface of the petals has near medium orange pink colour (Group 31C). The flower buds mainly borne singly, one flower per stem.

The sepals are about 3.4 cm in length on average and are about 1 cm in width on average at the widest point; the shape is longish and narrow with an upright base. The colour of the sepals in the upper surface is tomentose and near medium brown green (Group 138B), the under surface is smooth and near medium green (Group 143A).

Receptacle has smooth, pitcher-shaped in longitudinal section, approximately 0.8 cm in length on average, approximately 0.9 cm in width on average at the widest point. The colour of the receptacle is dark brown green (Group 146A) and more or less suffused with medium brown (Group 176A).

The peduncle is glandular, is 4.3 cm long on average, and approximately 0.3 cm in diameter. The colour of the peduncle is medium brown green (Group 146C) and more or less suffused with near medium brown (Group 176A).


The flowers are large, approximately 9.5 cm on average when fully open. The shape upon opening is high-centered, as the flower fully opens the shape becomes more flat cupped, petals curl outwards. The flowers are very double, petal number commonly approximately 37 to 40 on average under normal growing conditions.

The colour of the flowers when just opened on the upper surface is near dark purple red (Group 185A) and on the under surface is near medium yellow orange (Group 22B) suffused with medium orange pink (Group 31C).

When flowers fully open the colour on the upper surface becomes near medium brown purple (Group 185B) and on the under surface it changes to near medium yellow orange (Group 16B) suffused with medium orange pink (Group 31C).


The petals of this rose variety have a flexible and smooth surface, with a velvety appearance. The shape of the petals is generally rounded with a rounded tip and a somewhat pointed base. The petals have a length of about 3.7 cm and width of about 3.3 cm. The arrangement of the petals is imbricated, and without petaloids.

The petals have good self cleaning quality, they commonly detach cleanly before drying.


‘Garden Director Bartje Miller ’ / ‘Black Gold’ / ‘Eddy Mitchell’ has almost no fragrance.

Reproductive parts:

The number of stamens per flower is around 138.

The anthers have length of about 3 mm, their colour is medium yellow orange (Group 20A), and they are regularly arranged around the styles.

The filaments have a light red colour (Group 40A), their length is 10 mm on average.

The pollen has also light red colour (Group 40A).

The number of pistils per flower is 89 on average.

The styles have light yellow colour (Group 4D), their length is about 6 mm.

Stigmas are light yellow (Group 12C) and about 2 mm long.

The hips are not observed yet.


Although this rose is patented as Floribunda rose it is classified by the Meilland as a Hybrid Tea rose. The growth habit is vigorous and strong. Forms upright, bushy slightly rounded plant. The mature and well-established plant has a height of about 90 - 170 cm and the width of about 60 - 90 cm.

The flowers of this rose variety are ideal in bouquets because they hold very well in a vase. It has attractive dark green, dense, healthy and glossy foliage. The variety is well suited for growing as ornamentation in parks and gardens.


The foliage on this variety is abundant. The number of leaflets on the normal mid-stem leaves varies from 3 to 5 and to 7, including a terminal leaflet. The colour of a young foliage on the upper surface is dark green (Group 139A) and on the under surface is near dark brown green (Group 146B). The adult foliage on the upper surface has neardark green colour (Group 135A) and on the under surface it is near medium brown green (Group 147B).


The leaflets are generally oval with a rounded base and an acuminate tip. The size of the terminal leaflets commonly are approximately 5 cm in length on average, and approximately 3 cm in width on average. The edges are serrated, the type of serration is small and single. The texture is somewhat thick and glossy on the upper surface.

Petiole have non-glandular texture and commonly are without prickles. The length is approximately 2.8 cm for the terminal leaflet. The colour on the upper surface is near dark brown purple (Group 183A) and on the under surface is near dark green brown (Group 152A).

Petiole rachis has generally smooth surface, the colour on the upper surface is near dark brown purple (Group 183A) and the under surface is near dark green brown (Group 152A).

The stipules have adnate, pectinate shape, and are rather broad; they are approximately 1.7 cm in length on average and approximately 0.5 cm in width. The color of the stipules is near dark brown green (Group 146B) on the upper surface, and near dark brown green (Group 146A) on the under surface.


The colour of the new wood is medium green (Group 143A), the bark is smooth. The mature wood has slightly darker medium green colour (Group 143B), the bark is smooth.


On the main canes from the base there are normal quantity of prickles, approximately 9 on average per 10 cm of the stem length. There is also normal quantity of the prickles on the laterals from the main canes, approximately 14 on average per 18 cm of the stem length. The prickles are very elongated and longish-pointed on the upper surface, hooked on the under surface, and with a broad ovate and long base. The prickles have a length the of 1 cm on average and medium yellow brown colour (Group 164C).

Small prickles:

There are no small prickles on the main stalks and on the laterals from the main canes.

Disease resistance:

The rose variety ‘Garden Director Bartje Miller ’ / ‘Black Gold’ / ‘Eddy Mitchell’ has good disease resistance, particularly with respect to Oidium. Pest resistance has not been tested yet.

No particular tolerance to drought and cold has been observed for the new variety with the tolerance being generally comparable to other Hybrid Tea rose plants typically grown in parks and gardens. Rose variety is recommended for growing in climate conditions similar to USDA 6 and requires winter protection in more colder climates.

Name origin

‘Garden Director Bartje Miller’ was named in honor of Bartje Miller, who was a garden director. This naming is a tribute to his contributions to horticulture and garden management.

Also this rose is marketed as ‘Eddy Mitchell’, born Claude Moine on July 3, 1942, in Paris, is a renowned French singer, songwriter, and actor1. He began his career in the late 1950s with the rock band Les Chaussettes Noires (The Black Socks), which quickly gained popularity. After going solo in 1963, he continued to achieve success, recording in various locations such as London, Memphis, and Nashville.


Rose Hills - First Season Certificate of Merit, Rose Hills International Rose Trials, 2011.



The rose variety ‘Meirysett’ / ‘Garden Director Bartje Miller ’ / ‘Black Gold’ / ‘Eddy Mitchell’ was created by artificial pollination wherein two parents were crossed which previously had been studied in the hope that they would contribute the desired characteristics.

 The female parent (i.e., the seed parent) was a product of the cross of the seed parent a Hybrid Tea rose ‘3-35-40 (Meilland/'Peace')’ / ‘Mme A. Meilland’ and the pollen parent Hybrid Tea rose ‘Meipsilon’ / ‘Yakimour'.

 The male parent (i.e., the pollen parent) was the Hybrid Tea rose ‘Delepi’ / ‘Epidor’.

The parentage of this rose variety can be summarized as follows:  (‘3-35-40 (Meilland/'Peace')’ / ‘Mme A. Meilland’ × ‘Meipsilon’ / ‘Yakimour') × ‘Delepi’/ ‘Epidor’.


The seeds resulting from the above mentioned pollination were sown and small plants were obtained which were physically and biologically different from each other. Selective study resulted in the identification of a single plant of the new variety.


It was found that the ‘Meirysett’ / ‘Garden Director Bartje Miller’ / ‘Black Gold’ / ‘Eddy Mitchell’ rose plant has following unique characteristics:

 exhibits a semi-erect growth habit,

 abundantly forms attractive blossoms that are deep greyed-purple on the upper surface and ocher yellow on the under surface,

 forms attractive dark green foliage that is glossy on the upper surface,

 displays good tolerance to disease, and

 is well suited for growing as ornamentation in parks and gardens.

This rose well meets the needs of the horticultural industry and can be grown to advantage in the landscape where attractive ornamentation is desired. The flower coloration is considered to be rather unusual. The greyed-purple petal coloration on the upper surface is so dark that is sometimes appears to be almost black upon casual inspection.

The new variety has been found to undergo asexual propagation in France by a number of routes, including budding, grafting, and the use of cuttings. Asexual propagation by the above-mentioned techniques in France has shown that the characteristics of the variety are stable and are strictly transmissible by such asexual propagation from one generation to another. Accordingly, the new variety undergoes asexual propagation in a true-to-type manner.


The new variety can be easily distinguished from its ancestors.

For instance, the blossoms of the ‘3-35-40 (Meilland/'Peace')’ / ‘Mme A. Meilland’ variety are golden yellow edged with rose pink.

The ‘Meipsilon’ / ‘Yakimour' variety forms cherry-red blossoms with a pale yellow reverse.

The ‘Delepi’/ ‘Epidor’ variety forms deep yellow blossoms.

Climate zones


Growing tips

roses for semi-shade Sun position: Prefers to have some shade in the hottest hours.
soil reuirements Preference in type of soils: Grows well on all types of soils.
rose prunning tips Prunning: Requires deadheading after the flowering.


Black spots:




Rain resistance:

Cold hardy:

Heat resistance:

Published Aug. 27, 2024, 6:33 p.m. by Yuri Osadchyi

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