Check this week's most popular rose varieties

Here you can find our chart with most popular varieties. The chart is based purely on our users views.

Explore the world of roses with us

Come and embark on a journey like no other. Step into the enchanting realm of roses, where petals whisper secrets and beauty reigns supreme. Join us as we explore, immerse ourselves, and discover the profound depths of this true queen of flowers.

Rose descriptions

Roses ABC

Here you can find all rose varieties from our library, sorted alphabetically. Just click the letter and get all list of names starting from this letter.

Rose Articles


Here we are gathering all information related to growing roses, from growing tips to prunning, latest news and discoveries, rose diseases and pests, and so much more...

Loking for the healthiest, most fragrant or maybe the ones that will last the longest in vase?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet."

Rose categories

Looking for a specific rose variety within a specific category? Then follow here...


  • The aroma that enchanted the world – part 2
    The aroma that enchanted the world – part 2

    Description of the roses fragrances, information about Old Rose aroma, Myrrh, Tea, Fruity, Musk and Moss fragrance of the roses

    Author: Yuri Osadchyi,

  • Black spot
    Black spot

    In this article is described most common rose disease – black spot, the history of this disease, its symptoms, preventive measurement, treatment and listed rose varieties resistant to black spot

    Author: Yuri Osadchyi,

  • The aroma that enchanted the world - part 1
    The aroma that enchanted the world - part 1

     The general information about fragrances of the roses and their history

    Author: Yuri Osadchyi,